FarmVille Kids Day Out (Isle of Dreams CH 4)


There’s a kid who gets Ubel’s bracelet in FarmVille Kids Day Out, an Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quests. We are going to investigate where did this kid comes  from. we also need to tell Lily about this incident and warn her.

On this chapter of Isle of Dreams Quests, there will be 6 recipes to be crafted at the FAIRY SHACK. We already made a list of the bushels that we are going to use to b able craft them and you can find this list just below of this guide. Note: Expected to be released on Monday (June 19th).

Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 1: Kids Day Out Part 1


Ask friends for 7 Magical Fairy Orb (request for )

Harvest 80 Elegant Star (skip 10)
Info: 10  mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Elder Wand (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK for 1  hour and will need Elegant Star Bushel x3, Water Berries Bushel x3 and Fantasy Twirl Bushel x2.


Twin Starry Tree1 Twin Starry Tree, 150 xp, 2500 coins


Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 2: Kids Day Out Part 2


Ask friends for 8 Secret Spell Book (request for )

Harvest 120 Fairy Slipper (skip 10)
Info: 30 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Enchanted Crystal (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK for 1 hour and will need Orange Persimmon Bushel x2, Fairy slipper Bushel x2 and Fantasy Twirl Bushel x3.


Cute Musical Fairy1 Cute Musical Fairy, 200 xp, 3000 coins


Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 3: Kids Day Out Part 3


Ask friends for 9 Magical Mushroom Duet (request for )

Harvest 80 Vine Flower (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Precious Moonstone (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK and will need Pixie Cove Bushel x3, Star Orange Bushel x3 and Hanging Hibiscus Bushel x3.


Magical Cutie Crocodile1 Magical Cutie Crocodile, 250 xp, 3500  coins


Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 4: Kids Day Out Part 4


Ask friends for 9 Pixie Magic Dust (request for )

Harvest 120 Water Pear (skip 10)
Info: 10 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Emerald Necklace (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK and will need Chained Mango Bushel x2, Spiky Cauliflower Bushel x2 and Fairy Bloom Flower Bushel x2.


Floating Shell Island1 Floating Shell Island, 300 xp, 4000 coins


Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 5: Kids Day Out Part 5


Ask friends for 10 Moon Stone Pendant (request for )

Harvest 140 Open Pear (skip 10)
Info: 14 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 140 – 126 = 14 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Pixie Dust (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK crafted for 4 hours and will need Hanging Hibiscus Bushel x3, Hatted Tomato Bushel x3 and Pink Nipah Bushel x3.


Orb Tail Cheetah1 Orb Tail Cheetah, 350 xp, 4500 coins


Isle of Dreams Chapter 4 Quest 6: Kids Day Out Part 6


Ask friends for 12 Friendly Wisp Spirit (request for )

Harvest 160 Pixie Melon (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 160 – 144 = 16 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Apprentice Hat (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the FAIRY SHACK for 3 hours and will need Water Pear Bushel x3, Chained Mango Bushel x3 and Pixie Cove Bushel x3.


Magic Zap Unicorn1 Magic Zap Unicorn, 400  xp, 5000 coins

Total number of bushels that will be used:

Pink Nipah Bushel x9
Chained Mango Bushel x10
Elegant Star Bushel x9
Fairy Bloom Flower Bushel x4
Fairy slipper Bushel x6
Fantasy Twirl Bushel x15
Hanging Hibiscus Bushel x15
Hatted Tomato Bushel x9
Orange Persimmon Bushel x6
Pixie Cove Bushel x12
Spiky Cauliflower Bushel x4
Star Orange Bushel x6
Water Berries Bushel x9
Water Pear Bushel x6

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