Sunshine Cottage in FarmVille Harvestable Building


FarmVille Sunshine Cottage is the latest addition to our FarmVille harvestable building collection. Once built, you can upgrade it up to several times. The same mechanics with previous release, every upgrade you made on this building will increase your chance of getting better rewards when you harvest it. There will be 3 possible exclusive decoration items that can be harvested from the Sunshine Cottage.

FV Sunshine Cottage

Sunshine Cottage


Collect the following parts to build and upgrade the SUNSHINE COTTAGE:

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds


Sunflower Salad

Sunflower Salad


Garden Water Can

Garden Water Can



Here’s a preview of how many parts your need in building and upgrading the SUNSHINE COTTAGE:

Sunflower Seeds Sunflower Salad Garden Water Can
Upgrades Sunflower Seeds Sunflower Salad Garden Water Can
12 12 12
1 6 2 9
2 8 3 12
3 10 4 15
4 12 6 18
5 14 8 21
6 16 10 24


You can craft the SUNFLOWER SALAD at the CRAFTSHOP:

Sunflower Salad equals100 Celestial Camellia Bushel Pinkberry Bushel Blueberry Bushel
Sunflower Salad = Celestial Camellia Bushel x3, Pinkberry Bushel x3 and Blueberry Bushel x3.



Harvest the SUNSHINE COTTAGE for these REWARDS:

Sunshine Fence

Sunshine Fence


Sunbaked Haybale

Sunbaked Haybale


Sunshine Tiles

Sunshine Tiles

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