FarmVille Azure Emporium Guide and Recipe Lists
FarmVille Azure Emporium is one of the the Mediterranean Riviera crafting building. And it is currently available. It will have several recipe for players to craft and make. Complete the order and you will receive a special items. There will be a total of 15 prizes that can be received.
Quick Jump:
Water Fountain produces Bazaar Water every 2 min
Feeding Trough produces Bazaar Feed every 2 min
Masonry Block produces Polished Stone every 3 min
Wooden Loom produces Fine Silk every 3 min
Jewelry Box produces Fine Jewels every 4 min
Wayfarer’s Center produces Bazaar Map every 5 min
Spice Rack produces Secret Spice every 5 min
Small Fountain Cup = Bazaar Water x2
- Craft time: 2 mins
Large Fountain Spout = Bazaar Water x2, Small Fountain Cup x1
- Craft time: 2 min
Large Fountain Base = Bazaar Water x2, Fine Silk x1
- Craft time: 2 min
Small Grain Feed = Bazaar Feed x2
- Crafting Time: 5 mins
Medium Feed Bag = Bazaar Feed x2, Bazaar Water x2
- Crafting Time: 5 mins
Bazaar Treats = Bazaar Feed x3, Small Grain Feed x1
- Crafting Time: 5 mins
Spicy Bazaar Dumplings = Bazaar Feed x1, Medium Feed Bag x1 and Bazaar Treats x1
- Crafting Time: 5 mins
Masonry Chisel = Polished Stone x3
- Crafting Time: 10 mins
- Mastery Counts: 8 | 16 | 50
Masonry Hammer = Polished Stone x2, Bazaar Water x2
- Crafting Time: 10 mins
- Mastery Counts: 8 | 16 | 50
Statue Base = Polished Stone x3, Large Fountain Base x1
- Crafting Time: 10 mins
- Mastery Counts: 6 | 14 | 40
Marble Sphere = Polished Stone x2, Masonry Hammer x1, Fine Silk x1
- Crafting Time: 30 mins
- Mastery Counts: 10 | 20 | 60
Polished Statue = Polished Stone x2, Bazaar Map x1
- Crafting Time: 30 mins
- Mastery Counts: 10 | 20 | 60
Silk Stockings = Fine Silk x3
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 8 | 16 | 50
Wooly Socks = Fine Silk x2, Polished Stone x1, Marble Sphere x1
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Silk Scarves = Fine Silk x2, Large Fountain Base x1
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Wool Poncho = Fine silk x3, Wooly Socks x1
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Silk Shirt = Fine Silk x3, Silk Scarves x1, Fine Jewels x1
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Silk Jacket = Silk Stockings x2, Statue Base x1, Wooly Socks x1
- Crafting Time: 2 hrs
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Precious Stones = Fine Jewels x2
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 8 | 16 | 50
Diamond Barrette = Fine Jewels x3
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Seashell Necklace = Fine Jewels x2, Fine Silk x1
Metal Weave Ring = Fine Jewels x1, Bazaar Map x1
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 6 | 14 | 40
Emerald Earring = Fine Jewels x3, Fine Silk x3
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Cobalt Chain = Fine Jewels x3, Silk Stocking x1
- Crafting Time: 4 hours
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Red Chalk = Bazaar Map x2
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Travel Brochures = Bazaar Map x2, Fine Jewels x2
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Silver Compass = Bazaar Map x2, Masonry Chisel x1
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Pocket Watch = Bazaar Map x2, Red Chalk x1
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Driving Gloves = Bazaar Map x2, Fine Jewels x1, Diamond Barrette x1
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Road Atlas = Bazaar Maps x3, Silk Scarves x2, Travel Brochure x1
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Red Spice = Secret Spice x3
- Harvest Time: 10 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Orange Spice = Red spice x2, Small Fountain Cup x1, Spicy Bazaar Dumplings x1
- Harvest Time: 6 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Green Spice = Secret Spice x2, Red Spice x1, Orange Spice x1
- Harvest Time: 10 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30
Yellow Spice = Secret Spice x5, Red Spice x2, Silk Jacket x1
- Harvest Time: 10 hrs
- Mastery Count: 5 | 10 | 30

2. Golden Jewel Chicken = Bazaar Water x1, Large Fountain Spout x1, Medium Feed bag x1, Polished Stone x1, Small Grain Feed x2, Masonry Chisel x1
3. Italian Dress Sheep = Fine Silk x2, Spicy Bazaar Dumplings x1, Large Fountain Base x1, Polished Stone x1, Marble Sphere x1, Polished Statue x1
4. Spanish Rose Dream Deer = Bazaar Feed x1, Bazaar Treats x1, Bazaar Water x1, Small Grain x1, Masonry Chisel x1, Fine Silk x1, Large Fountain Spout x1, Wooly Socks x1
5. Greco Dragon = Small Grain x1, Large Fountain x1, Spicy Bazaar Dumpling x1, Bazaar Feed x1, Statue Base x1, Marble Sphere x1, Masonry Hammer x1, Polished Statue x1, Wool Ponchox1
6. Flamenco Peacock = Bazaar Water x2, Silk Shirt x1, Medium Feed Bag x1, Emerald Earring x1, Masonry Hammer x2, Cobalt Chain x1
7. Tango Goat = Pure Silk x1, Silk Scarves x1, Spicy Bazaar Dumpling x1, Bazaar Map x1, Masonry Hammer x1, Wool Poncho x1, Small Fountain Cup x1, Silk Jacket x1, Wool Socks x1
8. Pegasus Pony = Polished Statue x1, Road Atlas x1, Bazaar Treats x1, Wooly Socks x1, Silk Scarves x1, Emerald Earring x1, Medium Feed Bag x1, Masonry Chisel x1, Silk Shirt x1
9. Cretan Bull = Bazaar Map x1, Large Fountain Spout x1, Masonry Chisel x1, Fine Jewels x1, Silk Shirt x1, Travel Brochures x1, Diamond Barrette x1,
10. Flying Pegacorn = Fine Silk x3, Spicy Bazaar Dumpling x2, Pocket Watch x2, Marble Sphere x1, Silk Jacket x1, Orange Spice x1, Masonry Hammer x1, Polished Statue x1, Red Chalk x1
11. Olympian Horse = Bazaar Water x3, Bazaar Treats x3, Statue Base x2, Bazaar Feed x3, Large Fountain Base x3, Wooly Socks x1, Fine Silk x1, Silk Scarves x1, Yellow Spice x1
12. Carnivale Unicorn = Large Fountain x2, Seashell Necklace x2, Metal Weave Ring x1, Secret Spice x3, Silk Stocking x2, Precious Stone x1, Medium Feed Bag x2, Diamond Barrette x1, Green Spice x1
13. Renaissance Dream Deer = Masonry Chisel x6, Polished Statue x6, Red Spice x2, Silk Jacket x1, Cobalt Chain x1, Silk Scarves x1, Silver Compass x1, Emerald Earring x1, Driving Gloves x1
14. Andalusian Unicorn = Polished Statue x6, Large Fountain Spout x5, Metal Weave Ring x2, Spice Bazaar Dumplings x2, Road Atlas x1, Diamond Barrette x3, Seashell Necklace x1, Travel Brochure x1, Green Spice x1
15. Emperor Pegacorn = Bazaar Treats x4, Polished Statue x4, Wool Poncho x3, Silk Jacket x2, Wooly Socks x3, Silk Scarves x3, Marble Sphere x3, Statue Base x3, Yellow Spice x1