FarmVille Sweet Shop Guide (Sweet Acres)


FarmVille Sweet Shop is a new crafting building that players will receive once they traveled to the new farm extension the Sweet Acres. The Sweet Shop (not to be mistaken with Sweet Shoppe of Winter Wonderland) is like the previous crafting building Yarn Barn and Dairy where players will be receiving orders from NPC and they need fulfill these orders. Once all the order was fulfilled it will give the designated reward.




Sugar Processer:

Sugar Processer

Fantastic Frosting

  • Fantastic Frosting = Syrup x1
  • Craft time: 2 min

Confectioner's Sugar

  • Confectioner’s Sugar = Raw Sugar x1
  • Craft time: 2 min


Elixir Mixer:

Elixir Mixer

Unicorn Fizz

  • Unicorn Fizz = Confectioner’s Sugar x2
  • Craft time: 5 min

  • Peppy Punch = Jimmies x1
  • Craft time: 4 hours

Fuzzy Float

  • Fuzzy Float = Fantastic Frosting x2
  • Craft time: 1 hour

Rainbow Potion

  • Rainbow Potion = Crushed Candy x1
  • Craft time: 6 hours




Candy Concoction

  • Candy Concoction = Rainbow Potion x2, Unicorn Fiz x1
  • Craft time: 6 hours

Bubble Brittle

  • Bubble Brittle = Confectioner’s Sugar x2, Unicorn Fizz x2
  • Craft time: 12 hours

Taffy Tango

  • Taffy Tango = Peppy Punch x2, Confectioner’s Sugar x1, Fuzzy Float x1
  • Craft time: 12 hours

Sugar Buttons

  • Sugar Buttons = Bubble Brittle x2, Fantastic Frosting x1, Peppy Punch x1
  • Craft time: 8 hours


Candy Crafter:

Candy Crafter

Cream Delight

  • Cream Delight = Confectioner’s Sugar x3, Unicorn Fizz x2
  • Craft time: 12 hours

Jelly Jollies

  • Jelly Jollies = Rainbow Potion x2, Confectioner’s Sugar x2, Fuzzy Float x1
  • Craft time: 12 hours

Star Drop

  • Star Drops = Confectioner’s Sugar x2, Unicorn Fizz x2, Fuzzy Float x1
  • Craft time: 12 hours

Snazzberry Shake

  • Snazzberry Shake = Rainbow Potion x2, Peppy Pinch x2, Unicorn Fizz x1
  • Craft time: 12 hours


Baking Oven:

Baking Oven

Pixie Pie Crust

  • Pixie Pie Crust = Taffy Tango x1, Pastry Dough x1
  • Craft time: 16 hours

Double Frosted Cupcakes

  • Double Frosted Cupcakes = Fantastic Frosting x2, Confectioner’s Sugar x2, Pastry Dough x2
  • Craft time: 16 hours

Angel Cake

  • Angel Cake = Taffy Tango x1, Pastry Dough x5
  • Craft time: 16 hours

Meringue Surprise

  • Meringue Surprise = Confectioner’s Sugar x1, Unicorn Fizz x2, Pastry Dough x2
  • Craft time: 16 hours


Dessert Cart:

Dessert Cart

Marshmallow Mousse

  • Marshmallow Mousse = Star Drops x1, Pastry Dough x2, Dessert Toppings x1
  • Craft time: 16 hours


  • Pegatarts = Pixie Pie Crust x1, Dessert Toppings x3
  • Craft time: 20 hours

Snap Jelly Fizz

  • Snap Jelly Fizz = Jelly Jollies x1, Unicorn Fizz x1, Dessert Topping x2
  • Craft time: 1 day

Magic Gumball Cookies

  • Magic Gumball Cookies = Snazzberry Shake x1, Fuzzy Float x1, Dessert Topping x3

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