FarmVille Toy Shoppe Guide


Magical Toy Town is a new farm expansion in #FarmVille and one of it’s main crafting building will be the FarmVille Toy Shoppe. As most players that are familiar with this type of crafting building, it will have the same mechanics as the previous similar building. It will have two holding storage, Toy Trunk and Toy Mould and stations for ingredients and station for crafting. If you still find it confusing, we have this guide to walk your through this feature. From expanding the storage, to harvest time for the resource station and the ingredients for crafting.


Toy Shoppe Guide

There will be two storage type in Toy Shoppe, one will be the Toy Trunk which will hold the the ingredients and the other one will be the Toy Mould for holding the crafted items. Tip: it is always better to upgrade the Toy Mould first because you can always get the ingredients by just waiting for a couple of minutes.

To upgrade them you will need the following materials, you will need 8 of each to upgrade. These materials can be crafted at the Craftshop.


Expanding the Toy Trunk


Toy Bucket
Toy Bucket Felt Rose Smiley Orange Jigsaw Bloom
 Craft time = 6 hours Felt Rose x4 Smiley Orange x3 Jigsaw Bloom x3
Toy Ramp
Toy Ramp Gear Daisy Smiley Orange Felt Rose
Craft time = 6 hours Gear Daisy x2 Smiley Orange x4 Felt Rose x4
Key Oil
Key Oil Jigsaw Bloom Felt Rose Durian Ball
Craft time = 6 hours Jigsaw Bloom x2 Felt Rose x4


Expanding the Toy Mould


Toy Hinge
Toy Hinge Felt Rose Durian Ball Gear Daisy
Crafting time: 6 hours Felt Rose x1 Durian Ball x4 Gear Daisy x3
Wheel Spokes
Wheel Spokes Durian Ball Felt Rose Smiley Orange
Crafting time: 6 hours Durian Ball x3 Felt Rose x4 Smiley Orange x2
Toy Rope
Toy Rope Gear Daisy Felt Rose Jigsaw Bloom
Crafting time: 6 hours Gear Daisy x2 Felt Rose x4 Jigsaw Bloom x4




– This will be the station where you will be harvesting your ingredients from.

Repair BayLubircant Spray

Repair Bay

  • Produce: Lubricant Spray
  • Time: 2 mins


Knitting TableSpool Thread

Knitting Table

  • Produce: Spool Thread
  • Time: 3 mins

Embossing TableEmbossed Paper

Embossing Table

  • Produce: Embossed Paper
  • Time: 3 mins


Tool CupboardPlastic Hammer

Tool Cupboard

  • Produce: Plastic Hammer
  • Time: 3 mins


Painting WorkshopWalnut Paintbrush

Painting Workshop

  • Produce: Walnut Paintbrush
  • Time: 5 mins


Makeup TableMicrofiber Cloth

Makeup Table

  • Produce: Microfiber Cloth
  • Time: 5 mins


Woodchipping WorkshopFurniture Polish

Woodchipping Workshop

  • Produce: Furniture Polish
  • Time: 7 mins




– This will be the section where you will do most of your crafting.


Power Washer

Power Washer



Twisty KeyLubircant Spray

Twisty Key = Lubricant Spray x2

  • Time: 2 mins


Pull-Along RopeLubircant SprayTwisty Key

Pull-Along Rope =Lubricant Spray x2 and Twisty Key x1

  • Time: 2 mins


Spare Wood WheelsLubircant Spray

Spare Wood Wheels = Lubricant Spray x4

  • Time: 2 mins


Wood GlueSpool Thread

Wood Glue = Spool of Thread x2

  • Time: 5 mins


Toy ScrewsSpool ThreadLubircant Spray

Toy Screws = Spool of Thread x2 and Lubricant Spray x2

  • Time: 5 mins


Toy WrenchSpool ThreadWood Glue

Toy Wrench = Spool of Thread x2 and Wood Glue x1

  • Time: 5 mins




Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine


Toy SawSpool ThreadAssorted Colored ThreadSewing Machine Pedal

Toy Saw = Spool of Thread x1, Assorted Colored Thread x1 and Sewing Machine Pedal x1

  • Time: 5 mins


Sewing NeedelesEmbossed Paper

Sewing Needles = Embossed Paper x3

  • Time: 10 mins


Assorted Colored ThreadEmbossed PaperLubircant Spray

Assorted Colored Thread = Embossed Paper x2 and  Lubricant Spray x2

  • Time: 10 mins


Sewing Machine PedalEmbossed PaperSpare Wood Wheels

Sewing Machine Pedal = Embossed Paper x3 and Spare Wood Wheels x1

  • Time: 10 mins


Toy ShearsEmbossed PaperAssorted Colored ThreadPlastic Hammer

Toy Shears = Embossed Paper x2, Assorted Colored Thread x1 and Plastic Hammer x1

  • Time: 30 mins


Seam RipperEmbossed PaperSpool Thread

Seam Ripper = Embossed Paper x2 and Spool of Thread x1

  • Time: 30 mins




Embossing Press

Embossing Press



Tape MeasurePlastic Hammer

Tape Measure = Plastic Hammer x3


ThimblesPlastic HammerEmbossed PaperToy Shears

Thimbles = Plastic Hammer x2, Embossed Paper x1 and Toy Shears x1

  • Time: 4 hours


Embossing StencilPlastic HammerSpare Wood Wheels

Embossing Stencil = Plastic Hammer x2 and Spare Wood Wheels x1

  • Time: 4 hours


Embossing PensPlastic HammerThimbles

Embossing Pens = Plastic Hammer x3 and Thimbles x1

  • Time: 4 hours


Embossing NibPlastic HammerEmbossing StencilWalnut Paintbrush

Embossing Nib = Plastic Hammer x3, Embossing Stencil x1 and Walnut Paintbrush x1

  • Time: 4 hours




Power Drill

Power Drill



Toy KnifeTape MeasureSewing Machine PedalThimbles

Toy Knife = Tape Measure x2, Sewing Machine Pedal x1 and Thimble x1

  • Time: 4 hours


Durable GogglesWalnut Paintbrush

Durable Goggles = Walnut Paintbrush x2

  • Time: 6 hours


Foremans HatWalnut Paintbrush

Foremans Hat = Walnut Paintbrush x3

  • Time: 6 hours


Toy PliersWalnut PaintbrushPlastic Hammer

Toy Pliers = Walnut Paintbrush x2 and Plastic Hammer x1

  • Time: 6 hours


Toy ScrewdriverWalnut PaintbrushMicrofiber Cloth

Toy Screwdriver = Walnut Paintbrush x3 and Microrfiber Cloth x1

  • Time: 6 hours




Paint Sprayer

Paint Sprayer


Water ColorsWalnut PaintbrushPlastic Hammer

Water Colors = Walnut Paintbrush x3 and Plastic Hammer x3

  • Time: 6 hours


Oil PastelsWalnut PaintbrushTape Measure

Oil Pastels =Walnut Paintbrush x3 and Tape Measure x1

  • Time: 6 hours


Paint PalletteMicrofiber Cloth

Paint Palette = Microfiber Cloth x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Painters EaselMicrofiber ClothWalnut Paintbrush

Painters Easel = Microfiber Cloth x1 and Walnut Paintbrush x2

  • Time: 10 hours



Makeup Machine

Makeup Machine


Makeup BrushMicrofiber ClothSewing Needeles

Makeup Brush = Microfiber Cloth x2 and Sewing Needles x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Brush HolderMicrofiber ClothPaint PalletteWater Colors

Brush Holder = Microfiber Cloth x2, Paint Palette x2 and Water Colors x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Small MirrorMicrofiber ClothWalnut PaintbrushOil Pastels

Small Mirror = Microfiber Cloth x3, Walnut Paintbrush x3 and Oil Pastels x2

  • Time: 10 hours


TweezersMicrofiber ClothBrush Holder

Tweezers = Microfiber Cloth x4, Hobby Knife x2 and Brush Holder x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Toy Chainsaw

Toy Chainsaw



Wood ChipsFurniture Polish

Wood Chips = Furniture Polish x3

  • Time: 2 hours


Hobby KnifeFurniture PolishTwisty KeyToy Shears

Hobby Knife = Furniture Polish x2, Twisty Key x1 and Toy Shears x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Carpenters LatheFurniture PolishWood ChipsHobby Knife

Carpenters Lathe = Furniture Polish x2, Wood Chips x1 and Hobby Knife x1

  • Time: 10 hours


Hand PlaneFurniture PolishWood ChipsToy Screwdriver

Hand Plane = Furniture Polish x5, Wood Chips x2 and Toy Screwdriver x1

  • Time: 10 hours




– This are the items that you can obtain by collecting the necessary materials.


Spool ThreadTwisty KeyToy Wrench

 1. Soft Plushie Horse = Spool of Thread x2, Twisty Key x2 and Toy Wrench x1.


Brown Plasticine HorseLubircant SprayPull-Along RopeToy ScrewsEmbossed PaperWood GlueSewing Needeles

2. Brown Plasticine Horse = Lubricant Spray x1, Pull-Along Rope x1, Toy Screws x1, Embossed Paper x1, Wood Glue x2 and Sewing Needles x1.


Patchwork HorsePlastic HammerToy SawSpare Wood WheelsEmbossed PaperToy ShearsSeam Ripper

3. Patchwork Horse = Plastic Hammer x2, Toy Saw x1, Spare Wood Wheels x1, Embossed Paper x1, Toy Shears x1, and Seam Ripper x1.


Candy Stripe HorseSpool ThreadToy WrenchLubircant SprayWood GlueSewing NeedelesEmbossed PaperPlastic HammerPull-Along RopeThimbles

4. Candy Stripe Horse = Spool of Thread x1, Toy Wrench x1, Lubricant Spray x1, Wood Glue x1, Sewing Needles x1, Embossed Paper x1, Plastic Hammer x1, Pull-Along Rope x1 and Thimbles x1.


Pull-Along HorseWood GluePull-Along RopeToy SawSpool ThreadSewing Machine PedalToy ShearsAssorted Colored ThreadSeam RipperEmbossing Pens

5. Pull-Along Horse = Wood Glue x1, Pull-Along Rope x1, Toy Saw x1, Spool of Thread x1, Sewing Machine Pedal x1, Toy Shears x1, Assorted Colored Thread x1, Seam Ripper x1 and Embossing Pens x1.


Plushie Rocking HorseLubircant SprayEmbossing NibToy ScrewsWater ColorsAssorted Colored ThreadOil Pastels

6. Plushie Rocking Horse = Lubricant Spray x2, Embossing Nib x1, Toy Screws x1, Water Colors x1, Assorted Colored Thread x1, Oil Pastels x1.


Building Block HorsePlastic HammerEmbossing StencilToy SawMicrofiber ClothAssorted Colored ThreadEmbossing PensTwisty KeyToy KnifeThimbles

7. Building Block Horse = Plastic Hammer x1, Embossing Stencil x1, Toy Saw x1, Microfiber Cloth x1, Assorted Colored Thread x1, Embossing Pens x1, Twisty Key x1, Toy Knife x1 and Thimbles x1.


Vintage Wheeled HorseSeam RipperTweezersToy WrenchThimblesEmbossing StencilWater ColorsToy ScrewsSewing NeedelesEmbossing Nib

8. Vintage Wheeled Horse = Seam Ripper x1, Tweezers x1, Toy Wrench x1, Thimbles x1, Embossing Stencil x1, Water Colors x1, Toy Screws x1, Sewing Needles x1 and Embossing Nib x1.


Red Plushie HorseMicrofiber ClothPull-Along RopeSewing NeedelesWalnut PaintbrushEmbossing NibPainters EaselForemans HatThimblesMakeup Brush

9. Red Plushie Horse = Microfiber Cloth x1, Pull-Along Rope x1, Sewing Needles x1, Walnut Paintbrush x1, Embossing Nib x1, Painter’s Easel x1, Foreman’s Hat x1, Thimbles x1 and Makeup Brush x1.


Vintage Metal HorsePlastic HammerToy SawBrush HolderToy ShearsToy KnifeMakeup BrushAssorted Colored ThreadSeam RipperPaint Pallette

10. Vintage Metal Horse = Plastic Hammer x3, Toy Saw x2, Brush Holder x1, Toy Shears x1, Toy Knife x1, Makeup Brush x1, Assorted Colored Thread x1, Seam Ripper x1 and Paint Palette x1.


Old Carousel HorseLubircant SprayToy WrenchSewing Machine PedalSpool ThreadSpare Wood WheelsThimblesPlastic HammerEmbossing StencilToy Knife

11. Old Carousel Horse = Lubricant Spray x3, Toy Wrench x3, Sewing Machine Pedal x2, Spool of Thread x3, Spare Wood Wheels x3, Thimbles x1, Plastic Hammer x1, Embossing Stencil x1 and Toy Knife x1.


Geometric HorsePull-Along RopeToy PliersToy ScrewdriverFurniture PolishTape MeasureDurable GogglesToy ScrewsForemans HatTweezers

12. Geometric Horse = Pull-Along Rope x2,  Toy Pliers x2, Toy Screwdriver x1, Furniture Polish x3, Tape Measure x2, Durable Goggles x1, Toy Screws x2, Foreman’s Hat x1 and Tweezers x1.


White Ceramic PegasusSewing NeedelesSeam RipperWood ChipsToy KnifeOil PastelsEmbossing StencilMakeup BrushWater ColorsSmall Mirror

13. White Ceramic Pegasus = Sewing Needles x6, Seam Ripper x6, Wood Chips x2, Toy Knife x1, Oil Pastels x1, Embossing Stencil x1, Makeup Brush x1, Water Colors x1 and Small Mirror x1.


Plush UnicornEmbossed PaperPull-Along RopeToy ScrewdriverToy SawTweezersForemans HatToy PliersPainters EaselEmbossing Stencil

14. Plush Unicorn = Embossed Paper x6, Pull-Along Rope x5, Toy Screwdriver x2, Toy Saw x2, Tweezers x1, Foreman’s Hat x3, Toy Pliers x1, Painter’s Easel x1, and Embossing Stencil x1.


Steampunk PegasusToy WrenchSeam RipperEmbossing PensToy KnifeThimblesEmbossing StencilToy ShearsSewing Machine PedalPaint Pallette

15. Steampunk Pegasus = Toy Wrench x4, Seam Ripper x4, Embossing Pens x3, Toy Knife x2, Thimbles x3, Embossing Stencil x3, Toy Shears x3, Sewing Machine Pedal x3 and Paint Palette x1.


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