
Here’s a list of FarmVille Quests Release, Current and Finish Date. You can read the full guide just by following the link. The guide will give you some idea on what to expect and so that you can plan ahead for the mission. You can prepare ahead the crops that will be required on finishing a stage or a chapter. This guides will also gives  information on where is the best place to harvest the animal that the quest is currently requiring. It will save you a lot of time on accomplishing the task because most of the animals if not place in their proper pens will take days to become readily available to harvest. We hope these guides will help you on finishing the weekly FarmVille Quests.


Regular Quests

Saffron Festival Quests (current October 15, 2015)


Spook Party Quests (current October 8, 2015)


Current Farm Expansion Quests:

Phantom Valley Chapter 5 Quests (current October 19, 2015)


30 Day Special Quests

Savannah Safari Chapter 9 Quests


FarmVille Beat Expansion Farm Quests


Beat Magical Toy Town

Beat Horseman’s Hollow

Beat FairyTale Fields

Beat Oasis Gardens

Beat Mediterranean Riviera

Beat Emerald Valley

Beat Fields of El Dorado

Beat Atlantis

Beat Holiday Lights

Beat Mystical Groves

Beat Celestial Pastures

Beat Sweet Acres

Beat Australia

Beat Mistletoe Lane

Beat Jade Falls

Beat Haunted Hollow

Beat Hawaii

Beat Enchanted Glen


Previous Released Quests (Completed/Expired):

Labor Day Quests (ended September 17, 2015)

Bubble Bath Day Quests (ended)

Savannah Safari Chapter 7 Quests (ended September 14, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 9 Quests (ended)

Savannah Safari Chapter 6 Quests (ended September 7, 2015)

Tomatoes Away Quests (ended September 3, 2015)

Savannah Safari Chapter 5 Quests (ended August 31, 2015)

Treat Yourself Day Quests (ended August 30, 2015)

Savannah Safari Chapter 4 Quests (ended August 24, 2015)

Celebrating Friendship Day Quests (ended August 20, 2015)

Savannah Safari Chapter 3 Quests (ended August 17, 2015)

Book of Lovers Quests (ended August 13, 2015)

Savannah Safari Chapter 2 Quests (ended August 10, 2015)

Hip Hop Festival Quests (ended August 6, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 8 Quests (ended August 3, 2015)

Savannah Safari Chapter 1 Quests (ended August 3, 2015)

Hooray for Picnic Day Quests (ended July 30, 2015)

Trial by Fire (Wild West Ranch Chapter 9) (ended)

Treasure Tides Chapter 7 Quests (current July 27, 2015)

Canada Day Quests (July 23, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 6 Quests (ended July 20, 2015)

Picnics, Parades and Fireworks Quests (ended July 16, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 5 Quests (ended July 13, 2015)

Go Skating Quests (ended July 9, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 4 Quests (ended July 6, 2015)

World Music Day Quests (ended July 2, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 3 Quests (ended June 29, 2015)

Time to Dress Up Quests (ended June 25, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 2 Quests (ended June 22, 2015)

World Oceans Day Quests (ended June 18, 2015)

Treasure Tides Chapter 1 Quests (ended June 15, 2015)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 8 Quests (ended June 15, 2015)

White Nights Festival Quests (ended June 11, 2015)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 7 Quests (ended June 8, 2015)

Farm Film Festival Quests (ended June 4, 2015)

Back to Atlantis (Atlantis Chapter 11) (ended)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 6 Quests (ended June 1, 2015)

Ride High Quests (ended May 28, 2015)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 5 Quests (ended May 15, 2015)

Make your Mother’s Day! Quests (ended May 21, 2015)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 4 Quests (ended May 18, 2015)

Tacos Sombreros Frills Quests (ended May 14, 2015)

Wild West Ranch Chapter 3 Quests (ended May 11, 2015)

All About Penguins Quests (ended May 7, 2015 )

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 9 Quests (ended)

Celebrating Earth Day Quests (ended April 30, 2015)

Baisakhi Break Quests (ended April 23, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 7 Quests: (ended April 27, 2015)

Spring Eggstravanganza Quests (ended April 16, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 6 Quests: (ended April 13, 2015)

Fiery Fun Dragon Costume Quests (ended April 9, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 5 Quests: (ended April 6, 2015)

Flying High Quests (ended  April 3, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 4 Quests: (ended March 30, 2015)

Sakura Festival Quests (ended March 26, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 3 Quests: (ended March 23, 2015)

Celebration Time Quests (ended March 19, 2015)

Avalon Kingdom Chapter 2 Quests: (ended  March 16, 2015)

Quiz Time Quests (ended March 12, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 8 Quests: (ended March 9, 2015)

A Year of Food Quests (ended March 5, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 7 Quests: (ended March 2, 2015)

For My UnValentine Quests (ended February 26, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 6 Quests: (ended February 23, 2015)

Love is for Losers Quests (ended February 19, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 5 Quests: (ended February 16, 2015)

All Hands Against Love Quests (ended February 12, 2015)

Toy Town Chapter 12: Celebration Time (ended February 16, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 4 Quests: (ended February 9, 2015)

Celebrate Australia Day (ended February 5, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 3 Quests: (ended February 2, 2015)

Snowed In Quests (ended January 29, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 2 Quests: (ended January 26, 2015)

Neighborhood Cleanup Quests (ended January 22, 2015)

Avalon Chapter 1 Quests: (ended January 19, 2015)

Magical Toy Town Chapter 11 Quests (ended January 19, 2015)

New Year’s Resolution Quests (ended January 15, 2015)

Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quests (ended January 12, 2015)

Holiday Light Chapter 10 (Holiday Happenings) (ended January 11)

Bringing in the New Year Quests (ended January 8)

Magical Toy Town Chapter 9 Quests (ended January 5)

Catch a Snowflake Day Quests (ended January 1)

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