Farmville Countdown Promo Archive
17 Apr 2014
Mother’s Day 2014 in FarmVille Countdown Feature
By acmclure On 17 April 2014 In Countdown Feature
Coming up next in FarmVille Countdown feature is the Mother’s Day Special 2014. Win cool rewards just by finding all the stamps for your Mother’s Day Collection. To get these stamps you will just simply ask your
22 Feb 2014
Carnival Countdown 2014 in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 22 February 2014 In Countdown Feature
Collect all the supply for the FarmVille Carnival Countdown 2014 and win rewards. It’s a brand new edition of the Countdown Feature in FarmVile and this time we will have Mardi Gras theme items to be given

27 Jan 2014
Valentines 2014 in FarmVille Countdown Feature
By acmclure On 27 January 2014 In Countdown Feature
A new FarmVille Countdown feature will be coming our way this February and it will have a theme Valentines 2014. We will be asking our friends for 16 days of items to redeem great prizes! There will
21 Dec 2013
Winter Flowers 2013 in FarmVille Countdown
By acmclure On 21 December 2013 In Countdown Feature
Find and collect all the stamps in FarmVille Winter Flowers countdown and win exclusive prizes. It’s a new version of the FarmVille Countdown feature and this time it will feature Winter Flowers theme. Players will win the
22 Aug 2013
Summer Fairy Animals Countdown in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 22 August 2013 In Countdown Feature
Coming Soon! Collect stamps and win Fairy Tale theme items in FarmVille Summer Fairy Animals Countdown Feature. Players will have to ask their friends to have the daily items and once they meet the required number of items
26 Mar 2013
Baby Animal Day Gift Special in FarmVille Countdown
By acmclure On 26 March 2013 In Countdown Feature
A new countdown feature is about to unleashed soon in FarmVille! The Baby Animal Day Countdown feature will giveaway 16 items for 16 days. And each day it will be different from the previous ones. To win,
23 Dec 2012
Ice Sculpture Garden Escapade 2012
By acmclure On 23 December 2012 In 12 days of Prizes
Coming Soon! FarmVille Ice Sculpture Garden Escapade! A brand new theme for the escapade feature where players will collect and ask friends for help for the item of the day. Once the player collected the required amount,
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