Farmville New Feature Archive
18 Feb 2017
FarmVille Morph Machine
By acmclure On 18 February 2017 In New Features
Craft and collect Solar Cell in FarmVille Morph Machine to unlock great rewards. Visit the Science Lab to check out your exclusive collection. Make Solar Cell using bushels that you can collect from harvesting the crops that
28 Oct 2015
Flower Shack in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 28 October 2015 In New Features
Collect Nectars from friends in FarmVille The Flower Shack and exchange it for unique blossoms. You can also harvest specific flower to get nectar. Find out here what the flower will give you nectar plus the blossoms

11 Oct 2014
FarmVille Mad Scientist Lab Farm Stand
By acmclure On 11 October 2014 In Farm Stand
Coming up next in Farm Stand feature is the FarmVille Mad Scientist Lab. This new version of Farm Stand will let player have a chance to win exclusive animal lab or laboratory themed items. The mechanics will
25 Jun 2014
FarmVille Grooming Barn and Yearlings
By acmclure On 25 June 2014 In New Features
Yearlings and Grooming will be arriving in FarmVille. We will groom colts and turn them into yearlings at the FarmVille Grooming Barn. This feature may remind you of the previous release the Prized Pigs or the Social
20 Jun 2014
Indoor vs Outdoor 2014 in FarmVille Personality
By acmclure On 20 June 2014 In Personality Feature
Ask your friends to find out what they really think while constructing your Charming Barn in FarmVille Indoor vs Outdoor Personality feature. There will be 12 question to be asked and 24 possible rewards. Depending on the
16 Jun 2014
Eagle Sam’s Treats in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 16 June 2014 In New Features
FarmVille may have a new feature ready for release this July and it will be a 4th of July theme. It will be titled the FarmVille Eagle Sam’s Treat and it will bring lots of exclusive gifts
24 May 2014
Garden Cafe in FarmVille Seed’s Building
By acmclure On 24 May 2014 In New Features
FarmVille has just released the latest addition of buildable building the produces seeds. The FarmVille Garden Cafe is the latest addition and once completed it will produce Espresso Cup Seeds which can be harvested daily. The more