Harvest for Seeds Building Archive

9 Jul 2016

Tulip Garden Gazebo in FarmVille Harvestable Building

The FarmVille Tulip Garden Gazebo is the latest addition to our harvestable building collections. Players can place this new building and upgrade it up to 6 times. The more upgrades it has has the better chance of getting
9 Apr 2016

Sunshine Cottage in FarmVille Harvestable Building

FarmVille Sunshine Cottage is the latest addition to our FarmVille harvestable building collection. Once built, you can upgrade it up to several times. The same mechanics with previous release, every upgrade you made on this building will

24 Mar 2016

Tropical Beach Shack in FarmVille Harvestable Building

FarmVille Tropical Beach Shack is one of the harvestable building that will be added in the game. You can build and upgrade  the tropical Beach Shack up to 6 times. The more upgrades you made, the better
24 Mar 2016

Planetarium in FarmVille Harvestable Building

FarmVille Planetarium is one of the latest harvestable building that will be available for players to build. This new building can be upgraded up to 6 times. Each upgrade you made on this building will  allow you
6 Mar 2016

Totem House in FarmVille Harvestable Building

Build the FarmVille Totem House with parts from your friends. Upgrade it up to several stages. Further stages of construction allow you to harvest better rewards. Collect the parts that you are going to use by asking
13 Feb 2016

Persian Palace in FarmVille Harvestable Building

Build the FarmVille Persian Palace with parts from your friends. Collect parts and materials by asking it from your friends. Helping also allows you to get one. Upgrade the Persian Palace up to several times. Further stages
9 Feb 2016

Emperor’s Fort in FarmVille Harvestable Building

Build the a FarmVille Emperor’s Fort with parts from your friends. Upgrade it by collecting additional parts from your friends or craft them in your Craftshop. Further stages of construction allow you to harvest better rewards. Collect