FarmVille Angler’s Pond Coming Soon!
Looks like we will have a new extension of our FarmVille farm with Angler’s Pond. We got hold of some of the early image of the new extension and looks like it will be the same as the Meadow Farm extension. Angler’s Pond will be like a small extension of the farm but for fishing? maybe and maybe it will be like more interactive when casting those lure and when catching fish. As of now it is not clear yet but we will continue to update this as we gather more info.
Angler’s Pond location looks like really a farm extension.
Fishing Lodge
Bait Shop
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Sorry but these items are just for your friends!
This is the message I’m getting from friends posts when I try to claim what are, presumably, fish they have caught in this.
Is the problem that I still don’t have this extension myself?
@Les, are you sure you click on posts from your friends ?
I’m just asking, because i now see my own posts in my newsfeed, were they shouldn’t be, and if i select one of those, i get the same message like you.
The messages from my FV-neighbours and my
fb-friends appear everywhere, as well in the newsfeed, as in the game-feed.
This makes it hard to find and accept them.