FarmVille Eckhart’s Stable Guide and Walkthrough


FarmVille Eckhart’s Stable is one of the main crafting buildings in the Alpine Jingle farm. Inside the Echart’s Stable, you can find two stations, the resource stations and the production stations. Players will be using this building to harvest resources and use this resources to craft different items at the production station. Items that are produced can be one of the requirements in unlocking gift items.

Eckhart's Stable


  • To expand the Snowy Barn, we will need the following parts and we can craft these parts at the Craftshop using the following bushels.
Farm Rake equals100 Blue Wildflower Bushel Water Cactus Bushel Milkweed Bushel
Farm Rake = Blue Wildflower Bushel x3, Water Cactus Bushel x4 and Milkweed Bushel x3
Stump Axe equals100 Hebe Balls Bushel Water Cactus Bushel Blue Wildflower Bushel
Stump Axe = Hebe Balls Bushel x3, Water Cactus Bushel x4 and Blue Wildflower Bushel x3.
Leaves Pile equals100 Milkweed Bushel Blue Wildflower Bushel Globe Thistle Bushel
Leaves Pile = Milkweed Bushel x3, Blue Wildflower Bushel x4 and Globe Thistle Bushel x3.



  • To expand the Icy Outhouse, we will need the following parts and we can craft these parts at the Craftshop using the following bushels.
Softwood Fence equals100 Blue Wildflower Bushel Globe Thistle Bushel Hebe Balls Bushel
Softwood Fence = Blue Wildflower Bushel x4, Globe Thistle Bushel x3 and Hebe Balls Bushel x2.
Icy Barbwires equals100 Globe Thistle Bushel Blue Wildflower Bushel Water Cactus Bushel
Icy Barbwires = Globe Thistle Bushel x3, Blue Wildflower Bushel x4 and Water Cactus Bushel x4.
Building Toolbox equals100 Hebe Balls Bushel Blue Wildflower Bushel Milkweed Bushel
Building Toolbox = Hebe Balls Bushel x3, Blue Wildflower Bushel x4 and Milkweed Bushel x4.



  • Here you can obtain the resources you will need to make items at the PRODUCTION STATION.
Grain Masher equals100 Plate of Grains
Grain Masher Harvest time = 2 mins Plate of Grains
Basket Weaver equals100 Brown Baskets
Basket Weaver Harvest time = 2 mins Brown Baskets
Spinning Loom equals100 Woolen Bundle
Spinning Loom Harvest time = 3 mins Woolen Bundle
Flower Preserver Box equals100 Frozen Rose
Flower Preserver Box Harvest time = 3 mins Frozen Rose
Surprise Gift Maker equals100 Gift Box
Surprise Gift Maker Harvest time = 4 mins Gift Box
Ice Crushing Table equals100 Crushed Ice
Ice Crushing Table Harvest time = 5 mins Crushed Ice
Magic Mountain Cart equals100 Aurora Rocks
Magic Mountain Cart Harvest time = 5 mins Aurora Rocks




Food Processing Stall

Food Processing Stall

Orange Juice equals100 Plate of Grains
Orange Juice = Plate of Grains x2
 Crafting time: 2 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Canned Tomato equals100 Plate of Grains Orange Juice
Canned Tomato = Plate of Grains x2 and
 Crafting time: 2 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Boxed Cheese equals100 Plate of Grains Canned Tomato
Boxed Cheese = Plate of Grains x3 and Canned Tomato x1
 Crafting time: 2 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60


Sunday Market

Sunday Market

Apple Crate equals100 Brown Baskets
Apple Crate = Brown Baskets x2
 Crafting time: 5 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Vegetable Basket equals100 Brown Baskets Plate of Grains
Vegetable Basket = Brown Baskets x2 and Plate of Grains x2
 Crafting time: 5 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Fodder equals100 Brown Baskets Apple Crate
Fodder = Brown Baskets x3 and Apple Crate x1.
 Crafting time: 5 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Spices Rack equals100 Brown Baskets Vegetable Basket Fodder
Spices Rack = Brown Baskets x1, Vegetable Basket x1 and Fodder x1.
 Crafting time: 5 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60


Design Station

Design Station

Winter Sweater equals100 Woolen Bundle
Winter Sweater = Woolen Bundle x3
 Crafting time: 10 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Cute Beanie equals100 Woolen Bundle Plate of Grains
Cute Beanie = Woolen Bundle x2 and Plate of Grains x2.
 Crafting time: 10 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Baby Shoes equals100 Woolen Bundle Boxed Cheese
Baby Shoes = Woolen Bundle x3 and Boxed Cheese x1.
 Crafting time: 10 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Fancy Crochet equals100 Woolen Bundle Cute Beanie Frozen Rose
Fancy Crochet = Woolen Bundle x2 and Frozen Rose x1.
 Crafting time: 30 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Decorative Toran equals100 Woolen Bundle Baby Shoes
Decorative Toran = Woolen Bundle x2 and Baby Shoes x1.
 Crafting time: 10 mins Mastery Count: 10/20/60



Florist’s Tent

Florist’s Tent


Flower Pot equals100 Frozen Rose
Flower Pot = Frozen Rose x3.
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Lilly Wreath equals100 Frozen Rose Fodder
Lilly Wreath = Frozen Rose x2 and Fodder x1
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Icy Mistletoe equals100 Frozen Rose Woolen Bundle Fancy Crochet
Icy Mistletoe = Frozen Rose x2, Woolen Bundle x1 and Fancy Crochet x1.
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Mixed Bouquets equals100 Frozen Rose Flower Pot
Mixed Bouquets = Frozen Rose x3 and Flower Pot x1
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Floral Headband equals100 Frozen Rose Flower Pot Gift Box
Floral Headband = Frozen Rose x3, Flower Pot x1 and Gift Box x1.
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Wedding Curtain equals100 Decorative Toran Vegetable Basket Lilly Wreath
Wedding Curtain = Decorative Toran x2, Vegetable Basket x1 and Lilly Wreath x1.
 Crafting time: 2 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60




Dotted Ribbons equals100 Gift Box
Dotted Ribbons = Gift Box x2.
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Season’s Greetings equals100 Gift Box
Season’s Greetings = Gift Box x3
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Dressy Doll equals100 Gift Box Frozen Rose
Dressy Doll = Gift Box x2 and Frozen Rose x1
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Wrapping Rolls equals100 Gift Box Baby Shoes
Wrapping Rolls = Gift Box x3 and Baby Shoes x1
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Cold Ring equals100 Gift Box Frozen Rose
Cold Ring = Gift Box x3 and Frozen Rose x3
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Small Toy Cars equals100 Gift Box Flower Pot
Small Toy Cars = Gift Box x3 and Flower Pot x1
 Crafting time: 4 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60


Candy Cart

Candy Cart

Magic Lollys equals100 Crushed Ice
Magic Lollys = Crushed Ice x2
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Candy Bucket equals100 Crushed Ice Gift Box
Candy Bucket = Crushed Ice x2 and Gift Box x2
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Bubblegum Fudge equals100 Crushed Ice Winter Sweater
Bubblegum Fudge = Crushed Ice x2 and Winter Sweater x1
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Fresh Smoothie equals100 Crushed Ice Magic Lollys
Fresh Smoothie = Crushed Ice x2 and Magic Lollys x1
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Blue Cotton Candies equals100 Crushed Ice Lilly Wreath Season’s Greetings
Blue Cotton Candies = Crushed Ice x2, Lilly Wreath x1 and Season’s Greetings x1
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Aurora Ice Cream equals100 Crushed Ice Icy Mistletoe Candy Bucket
Aurora Ice Cream = Crushed Ice x3, Icy Mistletoe x1 and Candy Bucket x1
 Crafting time: 6 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60


Rock Sculpting Machine

Rock Sculpting Machine

Snow Globe equals100 Aurora Rocks
Snow Globe = Aurora Rocks x3
 Crafting time: 10 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Angel Statue equals100 Aurora Rocks Orange Juice Spices Rack
Angel Statue = Aurora Rocks x2, Orange Juice x1 and Spices Rack x1
 Crafting time: 10 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Sparkling Necklace equals100 Aurora Rocks Snow Globe Angel Statue
Sparkling Necklace = Aurora Rocks x2, Snow Globe x1 and Angel Statue x1
 Crafting time: 10 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
Colorful Stone Bench equals100 Aurora Rocks Snow Globe Wedding Curtain
Colorful Stone Bench = Aurora Rocks x5, Snow Globe x2 and Wedding Curtain x1
 Crafting time: 10 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60
equals100 Aurora Rocks
 Crafting time: 10 hours Mastery Count: 10/20/60



  • These are the items that you can unlock by completing it’s requirements. The requirements are mostly items that you will need make at the Production Station or obtained at the Resource Station.


Sparkling Myna
1. Sparkling Myna = Brown Baskets x2, Orange Juice x1, and Apple Crate x1.


Funky Farm Chicken

2.  Funky Farm Chicken = Plate of Grains x1, Canned Tomato x1, Fodder x1, Woolen Bundle x1, Apple Crate x2 and Winter Sweater x1.


Dancing Penguin

3. Dancing Penguin = Frozen Rose Spices Rack x2, Spices Rack Boxed Cheese x1, Boxed Cheese x1, Woolen Bundle x1, Fancy Crochet x1, Decorative Toran x1.


Ice Cold Owl

4. Ice Cold Owl = Brown Baskets x1, Spices Rack x1, Plate of Grains x1, Apple Crate x1, Winter Sweater x1, Woolen Bundle x1, Frozen Rose x1, Canned Tomato x1, and Icy Mistletoe x1.


Snow Queen Arctic Fox

5. Snow Queen Arctic Fox = Apple Crate x1, Canned Tomato x1, Spices Rack x1, Brown Baskets x1, Baby Shoes x1, Fancy Crochet x1, Cute Beanie x1, Decorative Toran x1 and Mixed Bouquets x1.


Sea Anemone Turtle

6. Sea Anemone Turtle = Plate of Grains x2, Floral Headband x1, Fodder x1, Cold Ring x1 Cold Ring x1, Cute Beanie x2 and  Small Toy Cars x1.


Wonder Crocodile

7. Wonder Crocodile = Frozen Rose x1, Lilly Wreath x1, Spices Rack x1, Crushed Ice x1, Cute Beanie x1, Mixed Bouquets x1, Orange Juice x1, Wedding Curtain x1 and Icy Mistletoe x1.


Swiss Sheep

8. Swiss Sheep = Decorative Toran x1, Aurora Ice Cream x1, Spices Rack x1, Icy Mistletoe x1, Lilly Wreath x1, Cold Ring x1, Fodder x1, Winter Sweater x1 and Floral Headband x1.


Lantern Horned Sheep

9. Lantern Horned Sheep = Crushed Ice x1, Canned Tomato x1, Winter Sweater x1, Gift Box x1, Floral Headband x1, Candy Bucket x1, Season’s Greetings x1, Angel Statue x1 and Bubblegum Fudge x1.


Spotty Sea Lion

10. Spotty Sea Lion = Frozen Rose x3, Spices Rack x2, Fresh Smoothie x1, Fancy Crochet x1, Wedding Curtain x1, Angel Statue x1, Cute Beanie x1, Decorative Toran x1,  and Magic Lollys x1.


King Polar Bear

11. King Polar Bear = Plate of Grains x3, Spices Rack x3, Baby Shoes x2, Brown Baskets x3, Boxed Cheese x3, Icy Mistletoe x1, Frozen Rose x1, Lilly Wreath x1 and Colorful Stone Bench x1.


Butterfly Crowned Deer

12. Butterfly Crowned Deer = Canned Tomato x2, Dressy Doll x2, Wrapping Rolls x1, Aurora Rocks x3, Flower Pot x2, Dotted Ribbons x1, Fodder x2, Season’s Greetings x1 and Sparkling Necklace x1.


Serene Water Dragon

13. Serene Water Dragon = Winter Sweater x6, Decorative Toran 6, Snow Globe x2, Wedding Curtain x1, Small Toy Cars x1, Lilly Wreath x1, Bubblegum Fudge x1, Cold Ring x1 and Blue Cotton Candies x1.


Frozen Stomper Horse

14. Frozen Stomper Horse = Woolen Bundle x6, Canned Tomato x5, Wrapping Rolls x2, Spices Rack x2, Aurora Ice Cream x1, Season’s Greetings x3, Dressy Doll x1, Candy Bucket x1 and Sparkling Necklace x1.


Starry Horse

15. Starry Horse = Spices Rack x4, Decorative Toran x4, Mixed Bouquets x3, Wedding Curtain x2, Icy Mistletoe x3, Lilly Wreath x3, Fancy Crochet x3, Baby Shoes x3 and Colorful Stone Bench x1.

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