Earth Day Gift Special 2013 in FarmVille Countdown
A new FarmVille Countdown feature will be coming our way this week with FarmVille’s Earth Day Gift Special 2013. All players have to do is collect the stamp of the day and once collected enough stamp it can then be redeem for the prize which corresponds the stamp collected. Each day there will be different stamps to collect and prizes to be won. This feature can be repeated if a players completed all the tasks early.
Here are the rewards for the Earth Day Gift Special:
Earth Day Tortoise
Seal With Globe
Earth Print Zebra
Globe Tree
Grass Covered Hut
Turbo Charger
Recycled Cardboard Tree
Recycled Can Tree
Recycled Bottle Tree
Earth Day Sheep
Earth Pattern Horse
Recycling Elephant
Solar Bear
Globe Hat Pug
Recycled Art Wall
If we can play it will be nice, right now, I and lot of friends can’t play ’cause of a bag…. we get ‘Whoa Farmer” from the beginning…