Red Strawberry House in FarmVille Farmstand


FarmVille Red Strawberry House is the newest theme for the FarmVille Farmstand. Earn your way to be the top seller and win exclusive rewards. Get a chance to beautiful decorations for your garden. Trees that you can place in your orchard and raise your favorite pets. The goal of the Red Strawberry House Farmstand is to meet the daily sale requirements. This feature will start on Dec 27th.



Red Strawberry House Farmstand


  1. Ask friends to help you sell your goods! Helping a friend gives you both a sale!
  2. New prizes are available every 24 hours! Earn a sales boost for each prize you win!
  3. Each item you sell counts toward your total! Compete against all farmers for the top spots!
  4. Red Strawberry House Farmstand is placed off your farm; Zoom out to see the farmstands on each of your farms and your progress can be viewed by clicking on Red Strawberry House Farmstand.


Day 1 Day 2
Tart Tree Very Berry Tree
Tart Tree Very Berry Tree


Day 3 Day 4
Berry Bush Jelly Belly Tree
Berry Bush Jelly Belly Tree


Day 5 Day 6
Picnicer Gnome Strawberry Arch
Picnicer Gnome Strawberry Arch


Day 7 Day 8
Picnicer Pig Outgoing Chicken
Picnicer Pig Outgoing Chicken


Day 9 Day 10
Cake Bear Strawberry Recliner
Cake Bear Strawberry Recliner


Day 11 Day 12
Very Berry Peacock Jelly Fountain
Very Berry Peacock Jelly Fountain


Day 13 Day 14
Blueberry Sheep Blueberry Fields Cow
Blueberry Sheep Blueberry Fields Cow


Day 15 Day 16
Jelly Penguin Sugar Berry House
Jelly Penguin Sugar Berry House


Day 17 Day 18
Picnic Setting Picnic Van
Picnic Setting Picnic Van


Day 19 Day 20
Berry Deer Berried Unicorn
Berry Deer Berried Unicorn


Day 21
Strawberry Pegasus
Strawberry Pegasus

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