School Theater in FarmVille Farm Stand


Sell goods, win prizes, and have a blast in the latest edition of FarmVille Farm Stand! And for this edition, we will be having it under the theme SCHOOL THEATER. Same mechanics with the previous release, the School Theater Farm Stand will have 21 exclusive items to be given where each day there will be different reward. So prepare to make that sale and make your way to the top!

School Theater Farm Stand

Here’s how the SCHOOL THEATER FARM STAND works:

  • Ask friends to help you sell your goods! Helping a friend gives you both a sale!
  • New prizes are available every 24 hours! Earn a sales boost for each prize you win!
  • Each item you sell counts toward your total! Compete against all farmers for the top spots!
  • School Theater Farmstand is placed off your farm; Zoom out to see the farmstands on each of your farms and your progress can be viewed by clicking on School Theater Farmstand.


REWARDS and the scheduled day:

Day 1 Day 2
Narrator Chicken Angel Hippo
Narrator Chicken Angel Hippo


Day 3 Day 4
Peter Ham Pig Deer King Deer
Peter Ham Pig Deer King Deer


Day 5 Day 6
Red Riding Hen Big Bad Wolf
Red Riding Hen Big Bad Wolf


Day 7 Day 8
Court Jester Cow Piper Duck
Court Jester Cow Piper Duck


Day 9 Day 10
Stage Tree Rapunzel’s Tower
Stage Tree Rapunzel’s Tower


Day 11 Day 12
Genie Hippo Arabian Princess Pegasus
Genie Hippo Arabian Princess Pegasus


Day 13 Day 14
Witch Gnomette Minot Hog
text Minot Hog


Day 15 Day 16
Theater Chairs Play Ticket Booth
Theater Chairs Play Ticket Booth


Day 17 Day 18
Legionnaire Horse Scarlet Pimpernal Horse
Legionnaire Horse Scarlet Pimpernal Horse


Day 19 Day 20
Brave Knight Sheep Fairy God Pegasus
Brave Knight Sheep Fairy God Pegasus


Day 21
Royal Regent Lion
Royal Regent Lion

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