FarmVille Haunted Hollow 6: Help Belinda cure Erik Werewolf


Halloween is getting closer and we are now on Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest with FarmVille help Belinda cure Erik the Werewolf. Lillian has a boyfriend named Erik who happens to be a Werewolf and she’s having trouble with him especially with the howling at night when the moon is full. So we gonna help Belinda who want’s to help her sister Lillian to find a cure that will fix Erik. We gonna start off by preparing for 5 crafting tasks in the Potion Shop by collecting bushels that we will be using and save them when we reach that stage. There’s no Animal Mastery requirements but we have to improve our Haunted Mansion to Stage 5 better if they are on Stage 6 or 7. Note: Info and numbers may still change prior to the release of FarmVille Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 but we will keep you updated with this guide. Expected release will be on Monday (Oct 22).

Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 1: FarmVille Scaring Stiff


Ask friends for 6 Medusa Muds (request for )

Harvest 100 Green Toadstools (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Make Crystal Cocktail 3 Times (skip 20)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Potion Shop and needs Spectre Berries Bushel x2, Jack O’Lantern Bushel x2 and Grape Bushel x1.


Scaring Stiff Quest Reward1 Stone Willow Tree, 150 xp, 3000 coins


Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 2: FarmVille Howler Housing


Ask friends for 8 Lycansbane Leaves (request for )

Harvest 125 Spectre Berries (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Make Cauldron Stew 3 Times (skip 20)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Potion Shop and needs Sage Bushel x1, Tombstone Bushel x2 and Tomato Bushel x2.


Howler Housing Quest Reward1 Werewolf Hut, 200 xp, 3500 coins


Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 3: FarmVille Praise The Sun


Ask friends for 8 Sun Smoothie (request for )

Harvest 150 Sage (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Make Fire Brew 2 Times (skip 20)
Info: Crafted in a level 3 Potion Shop and needs Spectre Berries Bushel x2, Sage Bushel x1 and Jalapeno Bushel x2.


Praise The Sun Quest Reward1 Solar Eclipse Tree, 250 xp, 4000 coins


Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 4: FarmVille Moonlight Delight


Ask friends for 8 Moonlight Candles (request for )

Harvest 200 Wormwood (skip 10)
Info: 2 days to grow and harvest.

Improve Haunted Mansion to Stage 5


Moonlight Delight Quest Reward1 Forest Warg, 300 xp, 4500 coins


Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 5: FarmVille Splice Thrice


Ask friends for 9 Splice Creams (request for )

Harvest 225 Sage (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Make Lucky Charm 3 Times (skip 20)
Info: Crafted in a level 3 Potion Shop and needs Tombstones Bushel x3, Green Toadstool Bushel x2 and Lavender Bushel x1


Splice Thrice Quest Reward1 Banapple Tree, 350 xp, 5000 coins


Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quest 6: FarmVille One Sneeze Away


Ask friends for 10 Polymorph Pollens (request for )

Harvest 250 Zombies (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Make Werewolf’s Bane 2 Times (skip 20)
Info: Crafted in a level 4 Potion Shop and needs Phantom Frond Bushel x1, Wormwood Bushel x1 and Coffee Bushel x2


One Sneeze Away Quest Reward1 Fuzzy Dragon, 400 xp, 5500 coins

Total number of bushels that will be used in Haunted Hollow Chapter 6 Quests:

Spectre Berries Bushel x10

Jack O’ Lantern Bushel x6

Grape Bushel x3

Sage Bushel x5

Tombstone Bushel x15

Tomato Bushel x6

Jalapeno Bushel x4

Green Toadstool Bushel x6

Lavender Bushel x3

Phantom Frond Bushel x2

Wormwood Bushel x2

Coffee Bushel x4

The whole family of Wormwood is remarkable for the extreme bitterness of all parts of the plant: ‘as bitter as Wormwood’ is a very Ancient proverb. source

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