FarmVille Jade Falls 13: Help Zhu Prepare a Seaside Concert


A new chapter in Jade Falls Quest is about to unfold this Monday in FarmVille help Zhu prepare a seaside concert. This will be the 13th Chapter of the FamVille Jade Falls and we will help Zhu in organizing a concert. He is planning to make our newly constructed Imperial Shipyard as the backdrop for FarmVille seaside concert. There will be six crafting task on this chapter and highest recipe level be at level 4 so we gonna need a level 4 Tea garden to craft these recipe. Saving and preparing bushels beforehand will be a factor on finishing these crafting tasks quickly. Note: This FarmVille Jade Falls Chapter 13 Guide may still change including the numbers and requirements. Expected release date will be this Monday (Aug 27).

Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 1: FarmVille He Sells Sea Shells


Ask friends for 6 Horagai (request for )

Harvest 30 Jade Bamboo (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Make Chow Mein 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Jade Bamboo x3, Sticky Rice x1 and Basil x3.


He Sells Sea Shells Quest Reward1 Serene Gorilla, 50 zen, 500 jade

(Tip: Place and harvest in the Zoo Pen for 1 day harvest)


Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 2: FarmVille Strings for the Seaside


Ask friends for 8 Gu-zheng (request for )

Harvest 30 White Cloud Tea (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.

Make Bao 3 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Chinese Daikon x2, Grouper x3 and Ginger x3.


Strings for the Seaside Quest Reward1 Impossible Stones, 100 zen, 1000 jade


Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 3: FarmVille Bang Softly


Ask friends for 8 Taiko Drum (request for )

Harvest 18 Wasabi (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Make Bibimbap 3 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 3 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Sticky Rice x1, Sichuan Pepper x3 and Pepper x2.


Bang Softly Quest Reward1 Rice Barge, 150 zen, 1500 jade


Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 4: FarmVille Serenading Suonas


Ask friends for 8 Suona (request for )

Harvest 35 Bok Choy (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to frow and harvest. (unlocked at level 29 ZP/zen level)

Make Oolong Tea 4 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 3 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Imperial Tea x2, Lotus x2 and Green Tea x3.


Serenading Suonas Quest Reward1 Gnome Suona Player, 200 zen, 2000 jade


Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 5: FarmVille Preparing for Pipas


Ask friends for 9 Pipa (request for )

Harvest 30 Lowland Ginger (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest. (unlocked at level 25 ZP/zen level)

Make Kimchi 4 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 4 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Jade Peanut x1, Wasabi x2 and Cabbage x1.


Preparing for Pipas Quest Reward1 Alstonia Tree, 300 zen, 2500 jade


Jade Falls Chapter 13 Quest 6: FarmVille Ending With a Sheng


Ask friends for 10 Sheng (request for )

Master the Serene Gorilla to 1-Star (skip 20)
Info: Must be harvested 5 times to achieve level 1 star Mastery.

Make Thai Tea 4 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 4 Tea Garden and needs the following bushels Imperial Tea x3, Lowland Ginger x3 and Green Tea x3.


Ending With a Sheng Quest Reward1 Dragon Li Cat, 400 zen, 4000 jade

Total Number of Bushels that will be used in FarmVille Jade Falls 13:

Jade Bamboo Bushels x6

Sticky Rice Bushels x5

Basil Bushels x6

Chinese Daikon Bushels x6

Grouper Bushels x9

Ginger Bushels x9

Sichuan Pepper Bushels 9

Pepper Bushels x6

Imperial Tea Bushels x20

Lotus Bushels x8

Green Tea Bushels x24

Jade Peanut Bushels x4

Wasabi Bushels x8

Cabbage Bushels x4

Lowland Ginger Bushels x12


Taiko” in general is often used to mean the relatively modern art of Japanese drum ensembles (kumi-daiko), but the word actually refers to the taiko drums themselves. There are over 8,000 taiko groups in Japan by some counts. source

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