FarmVille Club Crop Guide
FarmVille recently introduce a new feature the FarmVille Club. Players together with their friends or neighbors can form either an exclusive or private club. You can also join as member just clicking the FarmVille Club menu. Among the task of having and being a club member is planting a group of club only exclusive crops. We have collected most of the current list of crops information and the stages it can be unlocked. Here are the rest of the list:
Sparkleberries unlock at stage 1
Pricklepears unlock at stage 2
Roundaloupe unlock at stage 3
Crankyberries unlock at stage 4
Hydromelons unlock at stage 5
Tootmatoos unlock at stage 6
Curlyroots unlock at stage 7
Cornipers unlock at stage 8
Leafaloupe unlock at stage 9
Brocabits unlock at stage 10
Cuddlecumbers unlock at stage 11
Plumperkins unlock at stage 12
Razzledazzles unlock at stage 13
Daffydoils unlock at stage 14
Pepperpenos unlock at stage 15
Bountiberries unlock at stage 16
Grapears unlock at stage 17
Popadoes unlock at stage 18
Sunnybunnies unlock at stage 19
Coffaroot unlock at stage 20
Zuteeny unlock at stage 21
Gladypaddies unlock at stage 22
Airyberry unlock at stage 23
Peabees unlock at stage 24
Unyuns unlock at stage 25
Asparagles unlock at stage 26
Elderbizzies unlock at stage 27
Squashakins unlock at stage 28
Gingerlees unlock at stage 29
Spinachokes unlock at stage 30
If you and your friends are planning to form a club, here are some of the logo’s that your club may have: