FarmVille Cupids Stable


In the tradition of Mystrees and Nutcracker Theater comes a new feature called the FarmVille Cupid Stables. On this feature, we will help the Cupids in turning foals into beautiful ponies. To turn them, we will need Cupid Arrows and we can make them at the Craftshop.

 FarmVille Cupid's Stable

Cupid Stables



Cupid's Stable




FarmVille cupids Stables




Cupid Arrows



In order to raise the foals into adult, we will need CUPID ARROWS. To make this, we will need the following materials:


2 hours to make at the CRAFTSHOP
Cupid Arrow Sunburst Orchid Morning Glory Lavender Lily
Cupid Arrows Sunburst Orchid x3, Morning Glory x3 and Lavender Lily x3



Here is a preview of the rewards which will have classifications in terms of rarity:



Cinderella Pony Juliet Pony
Cinderella Pony Juliet Pony
Prince Charming Pony Romeo Pony
Prince Charming Pony Romeo Pony




Arabian Prince Pony Knight In Armour Ponisus
Arabian Prince Pony Knight In Armour Ponisus
Rapunzel Ponicorn Flower Princess Pony
Rapunzel Ponicorn Flower Princess Pony





Arabian Princess Pony Frog Prince Ponisus
Arabian Princess Pony Frog Prince Ponisus

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