Fairy Flower in FarmVille Features


Coming soon in FarmVille the new Fairy Flower building. A buildable building which can transform an item into another one. It can also be upgraded into several stages. Each upgrade will give an item which then when placed inside the area of effect of the Fairy Flower will transform it into another form or appearance.

 FarmVille Fairy Flower




Items and their appearance after placing inside the area of effect of the Fairy Flower:

Princessy DuckSwan Princess

Princessy Duck                                  Swan Princess

Frog PrinceCharming Pig

Frog Prince                                          Charming Pig

Cinderella HorseGlass Hooves Horse

Cinderella Horse                                Glass Hooves Horse

Puppet UnicornReal Boy Unicorn

Puppet Unicorn                                   Real Boy Unicorn

Aladdin’s LampMonkey Genie

Aladdin’s Lamp                                  Monkey Genie

Pumpkin MicePumpkin Carriage

Pumpkin Mice                                    Pumpkin Carriage

Charging NutcrackerRat King

Charging Nutcracker                     Rat King

Miller’s Daughter GnomeRumpelstiltskin Gnome

Miller’s Daughter Gnome              Rumpelstiltskin Gnome

Flying Boy SheepGolden Harp Cow

Flying Boy Sheep                                Golden Harp Cow

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