New Year Resolutions Feature 2013


Ask your friends for their opinion on what do they think your New Year Resolution is for 2013. FarmVille New Year Resolution Feature will give players a chance to win a prize just by asking their friends about your resolution. Each day there are two possible prizes that can be won and everyday there will be a new questions and new set of prizes to be given away. Plus as a bonus prizes players will receive free XP Book for completing this feature.


Here are the questions and prizes that will be given away:

1. Did I make a resolution to spend more time with family or friends?


Duck and Friends                 Duck and Ducklings


2. Did I make a resolution to contemplate my options or be more spontaneous?


Hot Pink Turtle                     Philosophical Monkey


3. Did I make a resolution to try to relax or be more adventurous?


Speed Skating Gnome               Recliner Gnome


4. Did I make a resolution to read more or spend more time outside?


Snowshoe Tree                  Book Tree


5. Did I make a resolution to spend more or save more?


Big Spender Pig            Saving Pig


6. Did I make my resolutions private or public?


Headset Ostrich            Shy Ostrich


7. Did I make a resolution to grow up or get in touch with my inner child?


Child Penguin                   Grown Up Penguin


8. Did I make a resolution to use more or less technology?


Metallic Crab Apple Tree      Tea Crab Apple Tree


9. Did I make a resolution to learn something new or share my knowledge?


Student Pug                       Professor Pug


10. Did I make a resolution to listen to more classical music or discover new music?


Duck Star                        Ludvig Van Duck


11. Did I make a resolution to make multiple resolutions or focus on one?


Tutti Frutti Tree          Strawnango Tree


12. Did I make a resolution to travel more or stay at home more?


Traveling Pegasus      Stay At Home Pegasus


Bonus Prize for completion:

XP Book

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