Garden Personality 2013 in FarmVille Features
Coming Soon! Find out what your friends really think about your FarmVille Garden Personality while constructing your Garden Greenhouse! This is a new Personality feature in FarmVille where players will be asking their friends a series of questions about what’s the best answer fits your gardening personality. Each questions will have two possible answer. Each Answer will have their own corresponding reward.
Questions and Prizes:
1. Would I enjoy working with flowers or vegetables?
Felicia Fox | Cabbage Patch Hedgehog |
2. Do I leave my plants put or move them around?
Flowerpot Kitty | Veggie Box Beagle |
3. What do I prefer: picking flowers or harvesting veggies?
Skinny Cow | Carrot Basket Horse |
4. Would I garden with a touch of flair or a simple style?
Gardener’s Bonnet Tree | Farmer’s Hat Tree |
5. Do I prefer what grows from the ground or on vines?
Bluebell Horse | Harvest Pig |
6. Would I decorate with flowerpots or veggie baskets?
Fluffy Flower Sheep | Veggie Vine Monkey |
7. Do I prefer a touch of color or consistent green?
Flower Nursery | Mini Farmer’s Market |
8. Would I prefer a flower nursery or farmer’s market?
Potted Plant Gnome | Veggie Basket Gnome |
9. Would I grow fragrant flowers or yummy carrots?
Rose Trellis | Vegetable Wheelbarrow |
10. My animals are fond of smelling flowers or eating vegetables?
Wildflower Bouquet Tree | Leafy Greens Tree |
11. Do I prefer to carry my tools or wheel them around?
Wheelbarrow Tree | Watering Can Tree |
12. Would my garden be brimming with flowers or vegetables?
Gardener Pegacorn | Farmer Pegacorn |