Personality Feature Archive
24 Mar 2015
FarmVille Prankster vs Fool 2015
By acmclure On 24 March 2015 In Personality Feature
Get your friends decide on which personality best fits describe you in FarmVille Prankster vs Fool Personality 2015. This feature will have 12 series of questions that you will need to ask to your friends. Each day
22 Feb 2015
Spender vs Saver 2015 in FarmVille Pesonality
By acmclure On 22 February 2015 In Personality Feature
New FarmVille Personality feature is coming with a new theme Spender vs Saver 2015. Same mechanics with the previous ones, you will asking your friends questions about a personality and they will choose which of the two

29 Jan 2015
FarmVille Entertainer vs Entertained 2015
By acmclure On 29 January 2015 In Personality Feature
Coming next in FarmVille Personality feature: Entertainer or Entertained Personality 2015. We will ask our friends 12 questions once again to win rewards. Each question will have 2 possible rewards to get. Depending on how the voting
17 Jan 2015
FarmVille Romantic vs Wildchild 2015
By acmclure On 17 January 2015 In Personality Feature
Find out what your friends really think while constructing your Valentine Villa in FarmVille Romantic or Wildchild Personality 2015. Get a chance to win new set of items that are designed under the theme Romantic and Wildchild.
24 Dec 2014
FarmVille Commitment vs Carefree 2014
By acmclure On 24 December 2014 In Personality Feature
FarmVille is releasing a new Personality feature and it will be about Committed or Carefree Personality theme. The mechanics are similar to that previous ones but it will have new theme and questions to be ask. Twelve questions
29 Nov 2014
FarmVille Family vs Friends Personality 2014
By acmclure On 29 November 2014 In Personality Feature
A new Personality Test feature is about to be released next in FarmVille. This release will feature the FarmVille Family vs Friends theme. There will be a total of 24 unique items that will be given as a
12 Nov 2014
FarmVille Explorer vs Potato (Personality Feature)
By acmclure On 12 November 2014 In Personality Feature
Once again win exclusive items in FarmVille Explorer Vs Potato! A personality feature where you will be asking your friends a series of questions about what they think best describe your personality. There will be a set of 12 questions that