FarmVille Quests: Vampires vs Werewolves


Are you with Team Vampire or Team Werewolves? decide in FarmVille Vampire vs Werewolves Quests. Yup through the ages, vampires and werewolves have struggled against one another and it will be decided on which is cooler the Vampires or the Werewolves on this nine part mission. We will be helping on deciding which one is the coolest by having a some sort of election and we will help tally the votes. There will be a couple of crafting tasks in the Potion Shop for this quest. There is also an Animal Mastery requirement. Note: This FarmVille Vampire quest is may still changed prior to release. Expected date of release will be on Thursday (Oct 18).

Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 1: FarmVille Fangs a Lot


Ask friends for 6 Vampire Novels (request for )

Harvest 50 Raspberries (skip 10)
Info: 2 hour to grow and harvest.

Harvest Pet Run 2 Times (skip 20)


Fangs a Lot1 Vampire Costume, 125 xp, 2500 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 2: FarmVille Howling Good


Ask friends for 7 Werewolf Movies (request for )

Harvest 75 Wheat (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest Aviary Habitat 2 Times (skip 20)


Howling Good Quest Reward1 Werewolf Costume, 150 xp, 3000 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 3: FarmVille Cape Able


Ask friends for 8 Black Capes (request for )

Harvest 100 Red Tulips (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Fertilize 25 Crops for Neighbors (skip 10)


Cape Able Quest Reward1 Turbo Charger, 175 xp, 3500 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 4: FarmVille Toil and Trouble


Ask friends for 9 Wolf Totems (request for )

Harvest 125 Grapes (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to row and harvest. (Whire Grapes might also count)

Make 2 Witch’s Brew (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in the Potion Shop and needs the following bushels Ghoul Garlic x1, Sage x1 and Red Tulip x2.


Toil and Trouble Quest Reward1 Bubbling Cauldron, 200 xp, 4000 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 5: FarmVille Smell of Success


Ask friends for 9 Wolfsbane Perfume (request for )

Harvest 150 Tomatoes (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest Wildlife Habitat 2 Times (skip 20)


Smell of Success Quest Reward1 Unwither, 225 xp, 4500 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 6: FarmVille Would Smell as Sweet


Ask friends for 9 Garlic Necklaces (request for )

Harvest 150 Aloe Vera (skip 10)
Info: 6 hours to grow and harvest.

Make 2 Cauldron Stew (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in the Potion shop and needs the following bushels Sage x1, Tombstone x2 and Tomato x2.


Would Smell as Sweet Quest Reward1 Werechicken, 250 xp, 5000 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 7: FarmVille Silver Lining


Ask friends for 10 Silver Cages (request for )

Harvest 150 Jalapenos (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest Werechicken 2 Times (skip 15)
Tip: Place and harvest the Werechicken in the Aviary or Chicken Coop (1 day harvest).


Silver Lining Quest Reward1 Mystery Dart, 250 xp, 5500 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 8: FarmVille A Lot at Stake


Ask friends for 11 Garlic Nets (request for )

Harvest 150 Coffee (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest. (Kona Coffee might also count)

Harvest Livestock Habitat 2 Times (skip 20)


A Lot at Stake Quest Reward1 Vampire Cow, 300 xp, 6000 coins


Vampires vs. Werewolves Quest 9: FarmVille The Showdown


Ask friends for 12 Halloween Ballots (request for )

Harvest 200 Sunflowers (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Master Werechicken 1-star (skip 20)
Info: Must be harvested 5 times to achieve level 1 star Mastery.


The Showdown Quest Reward1 Hornet Sheep, 325 xp, 6500 coins

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