FarmVille Magical Toy Town 10: Exit Interview
It is time for Sam to say goodbye to the toys in FarmVille Exit Interview, a Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quests. This is the part where Sam has to leave the Toy Town but before he do there are some familiar faces that wants wish him a safe trip.
On this chapter of Magical Toy Town Quests, we will be crafting 5 recipes at the Toy Town Food Van. We will need atleast a level 4 Food Van in order to complete it. We will also need an Orchard or a Grove for Quest 5 where we need to harvest the Train Track Tree twice. Note: expected to be released on Monday, January 5, 2015.
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 1: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 1
Ask friends for 7 Toy Goods Train (request for )
Harvest 80 Crazy Crayon (skip 10)
Info: 12 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.
Craft 2 Fresh Fruit Tarts (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the the Food Van and will need Knitted Grape Bushel x3, Gumball Bloom Bushel x3 and Toy Duckie Bushel x3.
1 Wise Dog, 150 xp, 3000 coins
Bonus Reward: Colored Glass x2 Share Reward:
Colored Glass
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 2: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 2
Ask friends for 8 Toy Cart (request for )
Harvest 120 Strawberry Bear (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.
Craft 3 Yum Cheese Burgers (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Toy Food Van and will need Toy Duckie Bushel x3, Clay Pepper Bushel x3 and Wind Spinner Flower Bushel x2.
1 Train Track Tree, 200 xp, 3500 coins
Bonus Reward: Toy Glue x2 Share Reward:
Toy Glue
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 3: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 3
Ask friends for 9 Kiddie Tool Kit (request for )
Harvest 80 Toy Tulip (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.
Craft 3 Princess Cakes (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Food Van and will need Gumball Bloom Bushel x3, Gummy Bear Bushel x3 and Candy Alphabet Bushel x3.
1 Toy Craftsman Gnome, 250 xp, 4000 coins
Bonus Reward: Colored Sparkles x2 Share Reward:
Colored Sparkles
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 4: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 4
Ask friends for 9 Miniature Torch (request for )
Harvest 120 Toy Carrot (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.
Craft 4 Fresh Farm Pizzas (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 3 Toy Food Van and it will need Strawberry Bear Bushel x3, Toy Duckie Bushel x2 and Apple in a Box Bushel x3.
1 Baby Girl Calf, 300 xp, 4500 coins
Bonus Reward: Colored Glass x2 Share Reward:
Colored Glass
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 5: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 5
Ask friends for 10 Teeny Tot Keychain (request for )
Harvest 140 Pompom Dandelion (skip 10)
Info: 3 days to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 140 – 126 = 14 amount to harvest.
Harvest Train Track Tree 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Place and harvest the Train Track Tree in an Orchard or Grove.
1 Balloon Cub, 350 xp, 5000 coins
Bonus Reward: Toy Glue x2 Share Reward:
Toy Glue
Magical Toy Town Chapter 10 Quest 6: FarmVille Exit Interview Part 6
Ask friends for 12 Teensy Guitar (request for )
Harvest 160 Clay Poinsettia (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 160 – 144 = 16 amount to harvest.
Craft 3 Duckie Cookies (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 4 Food Van and will need Jigsaw Bloom Bushel x3, Durian Ball Bushel x3 and Toy Carrot Bushel x3.
1 Fluffy Pegasus, 400 xp, 5500 coins
Bonus Reward: Colored Sparkles x2 Share Reward:
Colored Sparkles
Total number of bushels that will be used:
Apple in a Box Bushel x12
Candy Alphabet Bushel x9
Clay Pepper Bushel x9
Durian Ball Bushel x9
Gumball Bloom Bushel x15
Gummy Bear Bushel x9
Jigsaw Bloom Bushel x9
Knitted Grape Bushel x6
Strawberry Bear Bushel x12
Toy Carrot Bushel x32
Wind Spinner Flower Bushel x6