Flower Shoppe in FarmVille Feature


Recently FarmVille has just release a new feature called the Flower Shoppe and it is now available in game by clicking it’s icon in the right side of the game screen along with the escapade and leader board icons. The FarmVille Flower Shoppe functions like an exchange shop where players need to collect Flower Coins and exchange it for an item. There are several ways to get Flower Coins, one way is by asking friends, another one is crafting a Bouquet.



There are three types of bouquet and each one have different flower coins value. The more you craft this bouquet in the Craftshop the more Flower Coins a players will have.



Items to craft and coin equivalents:

Sunshine Bouquet

Sunshine Bouquet = Yellow Lily x3, Purple Poppy Bushel x4 and Ruby Rose x4

Summer Bucket

Summer Bucket = Blue Buttercup Bushel x4, White Posies x4 and Yellow Marigold 4

Clutch Bouquet = Coral Geranium x5, Red Orchid x6 and Orange Marigold x5


Prizes and coins equivalent:

Orchid Baby AlpacaFlower Coins

Orchid Baby Alpaca

Flower Coins

Dahlia Deer

Flower Girl Pony

Butterfly DragonFlower Coins

Butterfly Dragon

White Paradise PegacornFlower Coins

White Paradise Pegacorn



Flower Kittens

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