Alpine Jingle Buildings Archive

6 Dec 2015

FarmVille Alpine Jingle’s Eckharts Lodge

FarmVille Eckharts Lodge is on of the major buildings in Alpine Jingle. On this building, you can win an exclusive Unwither Ring for the farm of Alpine Jingle if you successfully completed the requirements. The main objective
5 Dec 2015

FarmVille Eckhart’s Stable Guide and Walkthrough

FarmVille Eckhart’s Stable is one of the main crafting buildings in the Alpine Jingle farm. Inside the Echart’s Stable, you can find two stations, the resource stations and the production stations. Players will be using this building to

3 Dec 2015

FarmVille Alpine Jingle Wintertide Castle

FarmVille Alpine Jingle Wintertide Castle is one of the main buildable building and exclusive to the Alpine Jingle farm. This building will be built using the parts that can only be obtain by asking it from your friends.
29 Nov 2015

FarmVille Eckhart Mill Recipe Guide

FarmVille Eckhart Mill is one of the crafting building that you will find at the Alpine Jingle farm. Here on this building is where most of the crafting tasks will be done if you are going to
25 Nov 2015

FarmVille Alpine Jingle Farm Buildings and Vehicles

FarmVille Alpine Jingle is the newest addition to our farm expansion this December. Alpine Jingle may fall under the winter farm category because of it’s holiday theme and snows. Same thing with the previous expansion farm, the Alpine