farmville july 2014 quests Archive
25 Jul 2014
FarmVille FairyTale Fields 2: Red Riding Hood
By acmclure On 25 July 2014 In FairyTale Fields
Join Jack and Red as they start a new adventure in FarmVille Red Riding Hood, a FarmVille FairyTale Fields Chapter 2 Quests. This will be the official opening or general access stage for the newest farm FairyTale
23 Jul 2014
FarmVille Beating Fields Music Fest Quests
By acmclure On 23 July 2014 In Farmville Quest Guide
Help Treble plan the trip to the Music Festival in FarmVille Beating Fields Music Fest. He always join the festival every year and this time he is running late. We will help Treble on this quest to

21 Jul 2014
FarmVille FairyTale Fields 1: Fairytale Beginning
By acmclure On 21 July 2014 In FairyTale Fields
A new challenge awaits us in FarmVille Fairytale Beginning, a FarmVille FairyTale Fields Chapter 1 Quests. FarmVille will be opening a new farm FairyTale Fields this Monday for an early access stage and it will be available
19 Jul 2014
FarmVille Pantheon Isle Party (Mediterranean Riviera Ch 9)
By acmclure On 19 July 2014 In Mediterranean Riviera
It seems we forgot something to do so Phineas want us back in FarmVille Pantheon Isle Party, a FarmVille Mediterranean Riviera Chapter 9 Special Quests. Special because this is the one on which we will have 12
19 Jul 2014
FarmVille Oasis Gardens 8: Stories in the Sand
By acmclure On 19 July 2014 In Oasis Gardens
And so Fatima have finally arrived home in FarmVille Storie in the Sand, a FarmVille Oasis Gardens Chapter 8 Quests. Fatima is excited for finally arriving home and she can’t thanks us enough for making sure she
15 Jul 2014
FarmVille Grow A Bonsai Quests
By acmclure On 15 July 2014 In Farmville Quest Guide
Agatha is setting up a bonsai garden and we will help her in FarmVille Grow A Bonsai Quests. She explains that it will not be an easy tasks since growing bonsai needs a lot of patience and
11 Jul 2014
FarmVille Oasis Gardens 7: Almost Home
By acmclure On 11 July 2014 In Oasis Gardens
We’re almost there! as Fatima exclaims in FarmVille Almost Home, a FarmVille Oasis Gardens Chapter 7 Quests. We are getting closer as our journey is getting near it’s end. Fatima is excited and she will need our
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