Farmville Special Mission Archive
12 Jun 2020
FarmVille Cindy’s Gratitude Party (Bora Bora Isles CH 9)
By acmclure On 12 June 2020 In Bora Bora Isles
The wedding went well and so our friend are very happy on a beautiful wedding ceremony in FarmVille Cindy’s Gratitude Party, a Bora Bora Isles chapter 9 Quests. This a special 30 day quests where we are
5 Jun 2019
FarmVille Good Deeds (Long Island Jamboree CH 9)
By acmclure On 5 June 2019 In Long Island Jamboree
Help our friend build a dispensary in FarmVille Good Deeds, a Long Island Jamboree Chapter 9 Quests. This will be one of the special 30 day quests which will have a 12 stage part. What special about

8 Dec 2018
FarmVille The New Invention (Castle Kaputstone CH 8)
By acmclure On 8 December 2018 In Castle Kaputstone
Our friend need our help in creating a new invention in FarmVille The New Invention, a Castle Kaputstone Chapter 8 Quests. This will be one of the special 30 day quests where you will be planting, harvesting and crafting.
5 Sep 2018
FarmVille Frontier 101 (The Frontier Trail CH 9)
By acmclure On 5 September 2018 In The Frontier Trail
We will need our friend and the frontiersmen in FarmVille Frontier 101, a The Frontier Trail Chapter 9 Quests. This FarmVille Quests is one of the special 30 day mission where there will be no “asking for
25 Jul 2018
FarmVille Homecoming (The Pavlozny Festival CH 9)
By acmclure On 25 July 2018 In The Pavlozny Festival
Let’s help our friend in hosting a grand party in FarmVille Homecoming, a Pavlozny Festival Chapter 9 Quests. This will be a special 30 day quests on which will have 12 stages and you will only do
6 Jun 2018
FarmVille Finding Your Sea Legs (Pelican Reef CH 8)
By acmclure On 6 June 2018 In Pelican Reef
We are aspiring to be a captain in FarmVille Finding Your Sea Legs, a Pelican Reef Chapter 8 Quests. This will be one of the special 30 day quest that there will be no asking for friends
26 Apr 2018
FarmVille Draco Returns to Emberhill (Emberhill Adventure CH 9)
By acmclure On 26 April 2018 In Emberhill Adventure
Face a new challenge and win exciting rewards in FarmVille Draco Returns to Emberhill, an Emberhill Adventure Chapter 9 Quests. This challenge would be one of the 30 days special quests where there’s no asking for an