farmville timmy quest Archive

18 May 2015

FarmVille Farm Film Festival Quest

Our friend Elizabeth is inviting us to come to watch films in FarmVille Farm Film Festival Quests. She explains that the Farm Film Festival is one of the prestigious event that happens only once a year. And
16 Jun 2014

FarmVille 5th Birthday Party Quest

Timmy is preparing for the best party ever in FarmVille 5th Birthday Party Quests. It will be a part of a celebration which includes features that are related to anniversary of FarmVille. We will help Timmy in collecting

12 Jun 2013

FarmVille Quests: Happy Birthday FarmVille!

Happy Birthday, FarmVille! We will celebrate the Happy Fourth Birthday of our beloved farm game with this FarmVille Quest. Timmy will be joining us as we help him celebrate this occasion. There are 3 crafting tasks here
8 Aug 2012

FarmVille Quest: Let’s watch the meteor shower with Timmy

Starry starry night! Yuuup, it sure is in FarmVille let’s watch the meteor shower with Timmy in the FarmVille’s Meteor Shower Quests coming this Thursday. It’s a brand new mission with a new npc named Timmy who