help anti cupid quest Archive

9 Feb 2015

FarmVille For My Unvalentine Quests

It’s Anti Cupid once again in FarmVille For My Unvalentine Quests and he has some idea on how to solve coupled who are paired with someone they don’t like. To solve this, he asking for our help in
31 Jan 2015

FarmVille Love is for Losers Quests

Anti Cupid is scheming a new plan in FarmVille Love is for Losers Quests. He is tired of seeing couples who’s making the Valentines day a big deal on making it just one day to  profess their

25 Jan 2015

FarmVille All Hands Against Love Quests

Anti Cupid is back and he will need help this time in FarmVille All Hands Against Love Quests. He explained that things are falling apart and if we don’t act quickly things might get to worse. On this
13 Feb 2013

FarmVille Quests: Help Anti-Cupid Promote his Cause

Happy Valentines Day! and on this day a FV character will be back in FarmVille help Anti-Cupid promote his cause. Yes, it’s Anti-Cupid! We thought we changed him already on how he sees Valentine last year but
9 Feb 2012

Anti Cupid’s Valentine Quest

Love is in the air as Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Everybody is excited in FarmVille except for one cupid. An unusual cupid who thinks Valentine’s Day is not cool. He is Anti Cupid, and he has