Horseman’s Hollow Guide Archive
6 Nov 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 9: A New Beginning
By acmclure On 6 November 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
Help Ichabod Crane restore the town in FarmVille A New Beginning, a Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 9 Quests. Now that Brom Bones are gone Ichabod has some plans to rebuild the city. This will be one of those special
27 Oct 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 8: Down with the Big Man
By acmclure On 27 October 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
It looks like things are getting serious in FarmVille Down with the Big Man, a Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 8 Quests. Ichabod Crane is getting nervous as Brom is demanding a face to face meeting with her. She

22 Oct 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 7: Stalemate
By acmclure On 22 October 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
Katrina has just arrive in time to check her father and Ichabod if they’re both going along well in FarmVille Stalemate, a Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 7 Quests. From what it looks the two are getting along just
16 Oct 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 6: Breaching Boundaries
By acmclure On 16 October 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
Celebrate the festival of Day of the Dead in FarmVille Breaching Boundaries, a Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 6 Quests. Ichabod has some event lined up for this festival and we are going to help him gather the materials
10 Oct 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 5: Hollow History
By acmclure On 10 October 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
Finallly we are going to meet Baltus van Tassel in FarmVille Hollow History, a FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 5 Quests. Baltus van Tussel is Katrina’s father, he will tell us more story about the history and learn more about
2 Oct 2014
FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow 4: Ichabod’s History
By acmclure On 2 October 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
There is something that is scaring Ichabod in FarmVille Ichabod’s History, a Horseman’s Hollow Chapter 4 Quests. We will discover what it is and what incident happen that made Ichabod this scared. He also mentioned the name
29 Sep 2014
FarmVille Beat Horseman’s Hollow Guide
By acmclure On 29 September 2014 In Horseman's Hollow
Here are the details for the special quests for the FarmVille Horseman’s Hollow farm which is the “Beat Horseman’s Hollow”. The same mechanics with the previous “Beat Farm” tasks where there will be 4 challenge a player