March 2020 Quests Archive

19 Mar 2020

FarmVille April Fool’s Day! 2020 Quests

Gino is back in this years version of FarmVille April Fool’s Day! 2020 Quests. He has some new tricks to play and it seems that he is excited for it. Let’ see how cool his tricks are
18 Mar 2020

FarmVille The Malagasy Farm Lunch (Madagascar Trails CH 4)

Prepare to face a new challenge in FarmVille The Malagasy Farm Lunch, a Madagascar Trails Chapter 4 Quests. We will tackle this new challenge with the help from our friends,. This time, we are going to organize

18 Mar 2020

FarmVille Nyepi Day 2020 Quests

Let’s join our friend in celebrating one of the most anticipated event the FarmVille Nyepi Day 2020. She needs our help in preparing the necessary materials that we will use for the event. We have to  prepare
9 Mar 2020

FarmVille The Lost Recipe Book (Madagascar Trails CH 2)

Our friend is surprised that we passed the first challenge in FarmVille The Lost Recipe Book, a Madagascar Trails Chapter 2 Quests. But she warned us that the next challenge will be more difficult. We are going
3 Mar 2020

FarmVille Las Fallas Quests 2020

Our friend is inviting us on a  trip to Spain for the FarmVille Las Fallas Quests 2020. She prepared some awesome itinerary for the trip and she would love us to come along with her. So let’
2 Mar 2020

FarmVille Seal the Deal (Harvest Valley CH 7)

Our friend has just completed decorating his stall in FarmVille Seal the Deal,  a Harvest Valley Chapter 7 Quests. He is excited to tell us that he is finally ready with the opening of his stall but