FarmVille Australia Chapter 9: Taste of Success


Travel back to the farm down under in FarmVille Taste of Success, a FarmVille Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests. A 30 day quest which has no “ask friends” for item part. Only planting and harvesting Australia crop and crafting at Aussie Winery. No Elite Horse, Sweet Shoppe, Dairy, Yarn Barn etc. tasks only pure Australia Farm related tasks.

On this Australia Special Farm Quests, we will be mastering a crop the Mangosteen up to 2 star. Currently Mangosteen is unreleased and may set to be available on the quest day itself. It will have a harvest time of 20 hours and to master it to level 1 we will need to harvest atleast 600 and to reach level 2 star we will need to harvest another 600. We will be also asked to craft a Sparkling Wine which is also currently unreleased. One of it’s ingredients are Mangosteen Bushel. Note: Expected release date will be on Nov 22.

Farmville Australia Chapter 9 Quests

Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 1: FarmVille Down to Business


Harvest 150 Mangosteen (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 200 Australian Wheat (skip 10)
Info: 4 hours to grow and harvest.

Craft Aussie Beer 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the Aussie Winery and it will need Australian Barley Bushel x3, Red Sorghum Bushel x3 and Wheat Bushel x3.


Down to Business Quest Reward1 Australian Koolie, 10 aussie points, 125 xp, 2500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 2: FarmVille Fair Go


Harvest 200 Muntires (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 250 Field Peas (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest Australian Koolie 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Place and harvest the Australian Koolie in a Pet Run.


Fair Go Quest RewardCroc Wrangler Gnome, 20 aussie points, 150 xp, 3000 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 3: FarmVille The Right Recipe


Harvest 275 Shiraz Grapes (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 300 Mangosteen (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Craft Sparkling Wine 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Sparkling Wine are crafted in a level 2 Aussie Winery and it will need Mangosteen Bushel x3, Red Sorghum Bushel x3 and Shiraz Grape Bushel x3.


The Right Recipe Quest Reward1 Unwither, 30 aussie points, 175 xp, 3500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 4: FarmVille Other Opportunities


Harvest 325 Canola (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 300 Lillipilli (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Master Australian Koolie to 1-Star (skip 20)
Info: Must be harvested 5 times to achieve level 1 star Mastery.


Other Opportunities Quest RewardSuperb Lyrebird, 40 aussie points, 200 xp, 4000 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 5: FarmVille Giving Back


Harvest 325 Semillion Grapes (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 350 Red Sorghum (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.

Craft Canola Oil 2 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Winery and it will need Canola Bushel x3, Kangaroo Paws Bushel x2 and Soybean Bushel x3.


Giving Back Quest RewardAssorted Vineyard Barrels, 50 aussie points, 225 xp, 4500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 6: FarmVille Cheers!


Harvest 350 Mangosteen(skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 375 Australian Barley(skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow nad harvest.

Raise Sparkling Wine to Level 3 (skip 15)


Cheers! Quest Reward3 Pack of Turbo Charger, 60 aussie points, 250 xp, 5000 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 7: FarmVille Testing the Product


Harvest 400 Australian Pineapples (skip 10)
Info: 14 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 375 Muntires (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.

Master Mangosteen to Level 1 (skip 20)
Info: Must harvest atleast 600 to achieve level 1 star Mastery.


Testing the Product Quest RewardWhite Tasmanian Tiger, 70 aussie points, 275 xp, 5500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 8: FarmVille Moving to Market


Harvest 425 Sweet Corn (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 400 Kutjera Tomato (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.

Craft Vinter’s Vest 3 Times (skip 15)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Aussie Winery and it will need Australian Cotton Bushel x3, Shiraz Grape Bushel x2 and Cotton Bushel x4.


Moving to Market Quest RewardAustralian Braford, 80 aussie points, 300 xp, 6000 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 9: FarmVille Big News


Harvest 425 Fava Beans (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and havest.

Harvest 425 Mangosteen (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Craft Pickled Lupin 3 Times (skip 10)
Info: Crafted in a level 2 Aussie Winery and it will need Yellow Lupin Bushel x3, Canola Bushel x3 and Cucumber Bushel x4.


Big News Quest RewardRed Bopple Tree, 90 aussie points, 325 xp, 6500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 10: FarmVille Star of the Celebration


Harvest 425 Shiraz Grapes (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 450 Yellow Lupin (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and hrvest.

Craft Sparkling Wine 3 Times (skip 15)
Info: Sparkling Wine are crafted in a level 2 Aussie Winery and it will need Mangosteen Bushel x3, Red Sorghum Bushel x3 and Shiraz Grape Bushel x3.


Star of the Celebration Quest RewardWhite Wallaroo, 100 aussie points, 350 xp, 7000 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 11: FarmVille Surprise, Surprise


Harvest 475 Kangaroo Paws (skip 10)
Info: 6 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 450 Australian Sugar Cane (skip 10)
Info: 2 days to grow and harvest.

Master Mangosteen to Level 2 (skip 10)
Info: Must harvest atleast a total of 1200 to achieve level 2 mastery. (600 if you already have a level 1 star Mastery)


Surprise, Surprise Quest Reward1 Book of XP, 110 aussie points, 375 xp, 7500 coins


Australia Chapter 9 Special Quests 12: FarmVille Hooroo


Harvest 500 Lillipilli (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Harvest 500 Mangosteen (skip 10)
Info: 20 hours to grow and harvest.

Raise Sparkling Wine to Level 4 (skip 10)


Dun Australian Stock HorseDun Australian Stock Horse, 120 aussie points, 400 xp, 8000 coins

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