Buildings Archive

23 Nov 2012

Extinct Animal Zoo Guide

As if the Dino Building can’t hold anymore the influx of prehistoric animals flooding our farm, FarmVille will be releasing a new prehistoric pen the Extinct Animal Zoo that will hold the new class of extinct animals.
5 Nov 2012

Animal Workshop (FarmVille Mistletoe Lane)

Build and create Holiday Animals with this new FarmVille Mistletoe Lane Animal Workshop. Harvest it to collect animal spirits that can be used in creating and unlocking more Holiday Animals. There are a total of 5 types

31 Oct 2012

Mystery Seedling Nursery

FarmVille has released a new building that will hold those mystery seedlings the Mystery Seedling Nursery. Players can now keep track and make the mystery seedling organize in one place plus it can be harvested for Water.
21 Sep 2012

Monster Lab

One of the building that will be available to players once we arrived in FarmVille’s Haunted Hollow is the Monster Lab. It’s a breeding building where we place up to 20 Monsters inside the Monster Lab. Once
8 Sep 2012

Dragon’s Lair

Farmville may soon released this new Dragon’s Lair building. This new building will hold your Dragon’s and upon placing them you can harvest it for various color of scales which you can use to create or unlock
1 Sep 2012

Turtle Pen Guide

A new animal pen has just been released by FarmVille and this time it will be for Turtles. Yup, it’s a Turtle Pen and now we can raise and breed them make custom breed line of turtles
24 Aug 2012

Mystery Baby Nursery Guide

FarmVille has just recently introduced this new Baby Animal Pen (storage) the Baby Nursery. We can now placed those mystery babies that’s been in either in our Gift Box or scattered in our farm. We can now