Fields of El Dorado Archive

8 Jan 2014

FarmVille Fields of El Dorado 3: The Stuff of Legends

Help bring back more Legendary Birds in FarmVille The Stuff of Legends, a FarmVille Fields of El Dorado Chapter 3 Quests. We will helping the Duke to prove his dedication as required by Necti so that he
8 Jan 2014

FarmVille Fields of El Dorado 2: The Sunny Way

Explore the Hidden Palace in FarmVille The Sunny Way, a FarmVille Fields of El Dorado Chapter 2 Quests. We will be joined by Sunny and together we will be exploring more and discover the hidden secrets of

6 Jan 2014

Fountain of Youth in FarmVille Fields of El Dorado

The Fields of El Dorado’s Fountain of Youth is a building designed to transform the items that are given as reward for finishing a stage of the Hidden Palace into it’s other appearance. Yes it will be
4 Jan 2014

Hidden Palace of FarmVille Fields of El Dorado

Hidden Palace will be one of the main building in FarmVille new farm Fields of El Dorado. It will have multiple stage for players to upgrade. Each successful stage upgrade will give an exclusive reward. Upgrade will
2 Jan 2014

FarmVille Fields of El Dorado 1: Welcome to the Jungle

Come and join the Duke as he explore the Fields of El Dorado in FarmVille Welcome to the Jungle, a FarmVille Fields of El Dorado Chapter 1 Quests. The new farm will be opening for an exclusive
30 Dec 2013

Fields of El Dorado’s Legendary Bird Roost Preview

As soon as the FarmVille Fields of El Dorado farm opens on January 6, 2014 among the building that we will be having is the Legendary Bird Roost. It is like a Bird Sanctuary where we will
29 Dec 2013

Fields of El Dorado Crops List and Guide

A lists of crops for the new FarmVille El Dorado farm which will open this January. There will be a total of 24 crops that will be associated with the El Dorado farm. The crop which has