Avalon Buildings Archive
11 Jan 2015
FarmVille Avalon’s Village Granary
By acmclure On 11 January 2015 In Avalon Wilderlands
FarmVille Village Granary is one of the buildings in Avalon farm where it holds treasures for you to unlock. As you progresses and unlock treasures, the Village Granary will improve it’s appearance. To unlock these treasures, you
7 Jan 2015
FarmVille Avalon Farms Buildings and Storages
By acmclure On 7 January 2015 In Avalon Wilderlands
Here’s a quick preview of the new buildings and storage that will be released for the new farm Avalon Wilderlands in FarmVille. Players is expected to build this using parts and materials that can be obtain from
4 Jan 2015
FarmVille Avalon’s House of Mystics
By acmclure On 4 January 2015 In Avalon Wilderlands
Avalon Wilderlands is the latest farm extension in game and with it comes a new building called the FarmVille House of Mystics. This will be one of the centerpiece building in Avalon. As part of a goal, it