Breeding Pen Archive
8 Aug 2013
FarmVille Dream Deer Woods Guide
FarmVille will soon be releasing this new building pen that can create new and rare deers. The FarmVille Dream Deer Woods will be like the previous animal laboratories where players will be tending the building to obtain
25 May 2013
FarmVille Dream Nursery Guide, Animals and Parts Lists
Build the new breeding and animal lab! The FarmVille Dream Nursery is coming as players will have another building that can make and store rare animals. The general idea of this is to create and unlock all

4 May 2013
Pegasus Pen in FarmVille Building
The FarmVille Pegasus Pen has just been release and players can now build this pen for their animals. The pen will hold and breed your Pegasus. This is not similar to the Unicorn Island where you can
5 Apr 2013
Horse Hall Guide in FarmVille
Create new horses with the release of FarmVille Horse Hall. This will be the next breeding lab in FarmVille as players will have to collect horseshoes to create and unlock new horses. Same idea with other lab,
17 Mar 2013
Duck Breeding Pen in FarmVille Buildings
By acmclure On 17 March 2013 In New Features
Unreleased FarmVille Duck Breeding Pen. Mix and match as players will have a chance to raise different breed of ducks that can only be bred in the new Duck Breeding Pen. Information about this released is not
2 Mar 2013
FarmVille Marine Observatory Guide (Atlantis Farm)
With our continuing coverage of the upcoming new farm the FarmVille Atlantis farm we will now introduce the FarmVille Marine Observatory. The Marine Observatory will be Atlantis farm’s Monster lab where players will be crafting and making
9 Jan 2013
FarmVille Enchantment Shop
When players arrived in the new farm extension the FarmVille Enchanted Glen, they will notice a building that is like a big tree house. This is not a decor but it is a crafting building called the