Crafting Recipes Archive

26 Jul 2013

FarmVille Sugar Shack Guide and Recipe List

FarmVille Sweet Acres is coming this week for early access and among the building that we’ll be expecting to see is a new crafting building. In Sweet Acres we will be having the FarmVille Sugar Shack crafting
10 Jun 2013

FarmVille Crystal Cottage Recipe Guide

The FarmVille Crystal Cottage will be the crafting building of the new farm extension FarmVille Celestial Pastures. The Crystal Cottage will have an initial number of 20 recipe. Players will be having it an stage 1 and

10 May 2013

FarmVille Yarn Barn Guide and Recipe List

A new feature has just recently release in FarmVille Yarn Barn and it will be similar to the previous release the Dairy Craft. Similar with the idea of crafting recipe’s. Players has to fulfill orders from random
20 Apr 2013

FarmVille Aussie Winery Guide (Australia Crafting House)

Here are the list of recipe’s that can or will be crafted in the FarmVille Aussie Winery. As we know FarmVille is set to release in the coming days a new farm extension called “Australia”. Players of
29 Mar 2013

Bonsai Garden Guide in FarmVille

The Bonsai Garden in FarmVille is one of the building that you can create and unlock Bonsai. The Bonsai garden can also be harvested for Bonsai Cutting parts. Bonsai Cutting parts have different color, it has a
1 Mar 2013

FarmVille Coral Cafe Guide (Atlantis Crafting Shop)

FarmVille Atlantis is almost here! And to prepare for it’s arrival we will be introducing to you the new crafting building for the new farm Atlantis. The crafting building in Atlantis will be called the FarmVille Coral
26 Feb 2013

Spa Recipe Guide in FarmVille

FarmVille Spa is one of the several crafting buildings that was released by FarmVille to give use of the bushels that players can get when harvesting their crops. Since it’s released the number of it’s recipe was