farmville bop the zubo quests Archive
27 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 8: A Song at the End of the World
By acmclure On 27 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Is time for our heroes to finally return to home in FarmVille A Song at the End of the World, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 8 Quests. As it turns out Sloog is not an enemy but
12 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 6: Bop the Mama
By acmclure On 12 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
New babies are on the way in FarmVille Bop the Mama, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 6 Quests. Our heroes in the Space Farm will need our help in raising these babies. They need to come up

6 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 5: Imposter Boys Quests
By acmclure On 6 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Brax and Zosma continue their investigation in FarmVille Imposter Boys, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 5 Quests. Their investigation of the slime monster they called Sloog continues. They found several signs of unique power it posses and
29 Jun 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 4: I am Rubber You are Sloog
By acmclure On 29 June 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Our friends space adventure continues in FarmVille I Am Rubber You Are Sloog, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 4 Quests. We will pickup the story right from where we left off from the last chapter as our