farmville haunted hollow building Archive
21 Sep 2012
Monster Lab
One of the building that will be available to players once we arrived in FarmVille’s Haunted Hollow is the Monster Lab. It’s a breeding building where we place up to 20 Monsters inside the Monster Lab. Once
18 Sep 2012
FarmVille Haunted Hollow Early Access
By acmclure On 18 September 2012 In News and Updates
We just traveled and gain the early access pass to the new FarmVille farm extension the Haunted Hollow. There is a new leveling system that is called “SP” or Spook Points. And just like the “Zen” in

16 Sep 2012
FarmVille Potion Shop Guide
By acmclure On 16 September 2012 In Crafting Building
FarmVille Haunted Hollow will have the new crafting building called the FarmVille Potion Shop where we will be crafting and mastering new recipe’s. The same with the other crafting building from our other farm location it will