new features april 2012 Archive

25 Apr 2012

Tree Groves Guide

Another Grove for Free! FarmVille started to roll out the new feature building the Tree Groves that will benefit your Orchards. This new feature is not just for decoration or storing, the Tree Groves is more like
11 Apr 2012

April Shower Holiday Countdown Guide

It’s time for an April Shower of Gifts in FarmVille! New prizes added every day! Collect all 12 prizes and get a special bonus prize for free! Everyday for 12 days a new item will be out

3 Apr 2012

FarmVille Garden Tea Party Guide

You are cordially invited to an RSVP event as FarmVille will be releasing a new feature the Garden Tea Party. The new feature will be different from the previous one as this is a multi stage feature.