Oasis Gardens Buildings Archive
9 Jun 2014
FarmVille Zezura Oasis of Oasis Gardens
By acmclure On 9 June 2014 In Oasis Gardens
Win an Unwither Ring just by unlocking gift chest in FarmVille Zezura Oasis. With the opening of the new farm Oasis Gardens, one of the building that players will be having is the Zezura Oasis. It holds
8 Jun 2014
Oasis Gardens Buildings, Pens and Vehicles Preview
By acmclure On 8 June 2014 In Oasis Gardens
Here are some preview of the new Buildings, Pens and Decorations for the new farm Oasis Gardens. FarmVille will be opening up this new farm this Monday for general access and with it are these new collections.

8 Jun 2014
Palace of Treasures in FarmVille Oasis Gardens
By acmclure On 8 June 2014 In Oasis Gardens
When players travels to the Oasis Gardens, one of the buildings that they surely will notice is the FarmVille Palace of Treasures. It will be the one of the major attraction of the new farm and it
4 Jun 2014
FarmVille Arabian Stallions Guide and Recipe Lists
By acmclure On 4 June 2014 In Crafting Building
The FarmVille Arabian Stallions is one of the building that can be found at the Oasis Garden. Its purpose is like the previous special crafting building. Through it players can have a rare farm animals just by