Personality Feature Archive
31 May 2014
Summer Personality 2014 in FarmVille Personality Feature
By acmclure On 31 May 2014 In Personality Feature
FarmVille is ready to release the next Personality feature next week. It will feature a new theme Summer Personality 2014. Just like the previous edition of this feature it will have 12 questions and 24 possible answer.
12 May 2014
Tea Time 2014 in FarmVille Personality Feature
By acmclure On 12 May 2014 In Personality Feature
A new FarmVille Personality feature is about to be released this May and it features the Tea Time 2014. It will have a new set of questions and rewards. For this edition players will ask their friends

17 Apr 2014
Domestic vs Wild Animals in FarmVille Personality
By acmclure On 17 April 2014 In Personality Feature
FarmVille will have a new version of Personality Feature which will be the Domestic Vs Wild Animals. It will asked 12 question and we will be asking our friends to vote on which answer best fits our
31 Mar 2014
April Showers 2014 in FarmVille Personality Feature
By acmclure On 31 March 2014 In Personality Feature
Ask your friends to vote once again in the newest version of FarmVille Personality featuring the April Showers 2014. Collect enough votes so that you can unlock and choose which of the two prizes you desire. There
8 Mar 2014
St. Patty’s Style Classic vs. Modern in FarmVille Pesonality
By acmclure On 8 March 2014 In Personality Feature
FarmVille St. Patty’s Style Classic vs. Modern will be the next Personality Voting Feature and it will give a new set of St Patty theme items. The items will be given as a reward once you completed
15 Feb 2014
Spring Habits Personality in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 15 February 2014 In Personality Feature
It’s time once again for a new Personality Feature as FarmVille Spring Habits is about to be released next, right after the Valentines Personality Voting Feature. This time your friends will be answering through voting what they
26 Jan 2014
Cupid vs. Anti Cupid in FarmVille Personality Feature
By acmclure On 26 January 2014 In Personality Feature
Ask your friends to help you celebrate Valentines! in the new FarmVille Cupid vs. Anti Cupid Personlaity Feature. You will find out what your friends really think while building your Cupid fountain and win some cool rewards