FarmVille Quest Manager Guide
Zynga and FarmVille has just recently slowly rolling out a new feature called the FarmVille Quest Manager. Here in this new feature that looks like a book FV players can click it anytime to view all the current quests progress plus there is all also an additional quests which players can choose to work with. For players who wants to repeat the previous quest or for players who didn’t have a chance to finish these they can always start and work with it at their own pace (no time limit) and can be repeated as many times a players want.
The list of current available previous quests can be found by clicking the book on the left side of the FarmVille game screen just along the quest icons. Players can also terminate the quest anytime they want but it will reset the progress made once terminated. Currently the Quest Manager offers 6 quests and may offer more in the coming month or year.
List of old quests that the Quest Manager currently offers:
FarmVille A Crisp December Quests
FarmVille A Sculpture to Remember Quests
FarmVille A Warm Treat for Winter Quests
FarmVille Arborist’s Adventure Quests
FarmVille Our Own Little Summer Quests
A Crisp December Quests
The list for this when clicking through is wrong – it shows the requirements for the hot cocoa quest
Can we have the right requirements please
It’s so helpful to be able to plan planting, etc.
Thanks Les,
We made the update.
I did not get the Quest Manager rolled out to my Farmville game. Is there somewhere in the game I can go to, to add this feature? Is it in the marketplace?
Mary, You don’t have an icon that looks like a book on the left side? For me, it just appeared, above the other quest icons.
No! I have seen it on the farms of other friends who play, but I do not have that icon in my game.
Je n’ia pas non plus cette icône dans le mien
Il ressemble à un livre dans le coin supérieur gauche de l’écran.
What are the honey melons? Where can I find them?
It is an Enchanted Glen Crop
I can’t get to page 2. There is no arrow
Yes the “Arrow” blends well on the background and sometimes it is hard to notice but here is where it’s supposed to be….

doi have to have quest on to play farmville
No. You can play even without or not doing a quest. Simply just enjoy the game 🙂
How do I get a quest back? I finished Farmville – A Day For Love Quest today and the game crashed right then so I didn’t get the question if I wanted to do the quest again. This quest isn’t listed in the quest manager.