farmville new feature april 2014 Archive
26 Apr 2014
FarmVille Bushel Babies Guide (Main Recipe)
By acmclure On 26 April 2014 In Crafting Building
The FarmVille Bushel Babies will be a new feature which is coming soon and it boosts some unique feature. There will be a total of 30 recipes or animals that can be unlocked. And you’ll receive it
26 Apr 2014
FarmVille Bushel Babies Guide (Materials)
By acmclure On 26 April 2014 In Crafting Building
FarmVille is preparing for s new crafting type building is soon to be released. It will be the FarmVille Bushel Babies and from the looks of it it will require a lot of crafting and lot of

26 Apr 2014
Wildlife Lodge in FarmVille Building (Harvest for Seeds)
By acmclure On 26 April 2014 In New Features
Build the FarmVille Wildlife Lodge with parts from your friends. Further stages of construction allow you to harvest another pack Honey Suckle seeds! It’s the latest addition to the farm buildings which produces seeds. It can be
17 Apr 2014
Domestic vs Wild Animals in FarmVille Personality
By acmclure On 17 April 2014 In Personality Feature
FarmVille will have a new version of Personality Feature which will be the Domestic Vs Wild Animals. It will asked 12 question and we will be asking our friends to vote on which answer best fits our
15 Apr 2014
Florist Farm Stand in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 15 April 2014 In Farm Stand
FarmVille Florist Farm Stand is about to be released on April 15. The latest Farmville Farm Stand feature, the Florist Farm Stand will have 21 items to be given away and will have the floral theme. To
24 Mar 2014
Spring Farm Sale in FarmVille Farm Stand
By acmclure On 24 March 2014 In Farm Stand
A new FarmVille Farm Stand feature is ready for release this March. The Spring Farm Sale 2014 will be the next theme of the Farm Stand feature and it will a have a spring the item collection