farmville new feature november Archive
10 May 2013
FarmVille Yarn Barn Guide and Recipe List
By acmclure On 10 May 2013 In Crafting Building
A new feature has just recently release in FarmVille Yarn Barn and it will be similar to the previous release the Dairy Craft. Similar with the idea of crafting recipe’s. Players has to fulfill orders from random
13 Nov 2012
FarmVille Autumn Forest
By acmclure On 13 November 2012 In Countdown Feature
Collect a great set of trees in this new FarmVille Autumn Forest feature. Ask friends for help and collect the necessary items in order to win in this new feature. Each stage will have a different storyline

7 Nov 2012
Fall Fashion 2012 Feature
By acmclure On 7 November 2012 In New Features
Another round of ask your friends for vote feature in FarmVille Fall Fashion 2012. Since fall season is just around the corner the theme will be about fall fashion and players will ask their friends on what
31 Oct 2012
Fall Festival Countdown
It’s time again for another Countdown giveaway in FarmVille Fall Festival as players gather and collect the item of the day and exchange it for a prize. Each day will be different prize. There will be 12