FarmVille Home Sweet Home (Story of Sakura CH 15)
Sakura has successfully completed the challenge in FarmVille Home Sweet Home, a Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quests. Her father is now wondering if Sakura will stay or leave and return to the United States. It is now up to Sakura to decide and we are going to help her in this mission.
On this chapter of Story of Sakura Quests, we are going to craft 6 recipes at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE. Including 2 recipes that will require atleast 8 hour crafting time. We already have the list of the bushels that will be used and you can find it just below of this guide. Note: Expected to be released this Monday (June 20).
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 1: Home Sweet Home Part 1
Ask friends for 7 Bamboo Reeds (request for )
Harvest 80 Mushroom Statues (skip 10)
Info: 10 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.
Craft 3 Origami Swan (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 1 hour at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Mushroom Statues Bushel x3, Candied Chopsticks Bushel x3 and Handfan Momo Bushel x3.
1 Zen Tree of Life, 150 xp, 3000 coins
Bonus Reward: Ko-No-Ma Lanterns | Share Reward:
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 2: Home Sweet Home Part 2
Ask friends for 8 Paddy Flail (request for )
Harvest 120 Candied Chopsticks (skip 10)
Info: 15 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.
Craft 3 Origami Doll (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 1 hour at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Candied Chopsticks Bushel x3, Handfan Momo Bushel x3 and Mushroom Statues Bushel x3.
1 Shadow Winged Cat, 200 xp, 3500 coins
Bonus Reward: Bamboo Flooring | Share Reward:
Bamboo Flooring
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 3: Home Sweet Home Part 3
Ask friends for 9 Japanese Tea Cups (request for )
Harvest 80 Temari Kyoho (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 80 – 72 = 8 amount to harvest.
Craft 2 Origami Owl (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 3 hours at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Temari Kyoho Bushel x3, Wagasa Bloom Bushel x3 and Pinkstar Pin Blossoms Bushel x3.
1 Legendary Wolf, 250 xp, 4000 coins
Bonus Reward: Roof Tiles | Share Reward:
Roof Tiles
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 4: Home Sweet Home Part 4
Ask friends for 9 Nanchakus (request for )
Harvest 120 Akebi (skip 10)
Info: 10 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 120 – 108 = 12 amount to harvest.
Craft 2 Origami Unicorn (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 4 hours at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Akebi Bushel x3, Pentagon Mikan Bushel x3 and Neko Kinkan Bushel x3.
1 Crystal Rain Dragon, 300 xp, 4500 coins
Bonus Reward: Ko-No-Ma Lanterns | Share Reward:
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 5: Home Sweet Home Part 5
Ask friends for 10 Training Dummy (request for )
Harvest 140 Pentagon Mikan (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 140 – 126 = 14 amount to harvest.
Craft 2 Kirigami Tabletop Deco (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 8 hours at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Myoga Ginger Bushel x3, Marshmallow Sushi Bushel x3 and Gummy Koi Flower Bushel x2.
1 Okami Horse, 350 xp, 5000 coins
Bonus Reward: Bamboo Flooring | Share Reward:
Bamboo Flooring
Story of Sakura Chapter 15 Quest 6: Home Sweet Home Part 6
Ask friends for 12 Zen Garden Rake (request for )
Harvest 160 Myoga Ginger (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 160 – 144 = 16 amount to harvest.
Craft 2 Kirigami Happy Family (skip 15)
Info: Crafted for 8 hours at the ZEN GARDEN HOUSE and will need Gummy Koi Flower Bushel x2, Marshmallow Sushi Bushel x3 and Kousa Berry Bushel x3.
1 Flora Pegasus, 400 xp, 5500 coins
Bonus Reward: Roof Tiles | Share Reward:
Roof Tiles
Total number of bushels that will be used:
Akebi Bushel x6
Candied Chopsticks Bushel x18
Gummy Koi Flower Bushel x8
Handfan Momo Bushel x18
Kousa Berry Bushel x6
Marshmallow Sushi Bushel x12
Mushroom Statues Bushel x18
Myoga Ginger Bushel x6
Neko Kinkan Bushel x6
Pentagon Mikan Bushel x6
Pinkstar Pin Blossoms Bushel x6
Temari Kyoho Bushel x6
Wagasa Bloom Bushel x6