FarmVille Floating an Idea (Samba in Rio CH 9)


We are  going to design a new float in FarmVille Floating an Idea, a Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quests. We will get some idea from  our friend Catalina in designing one. This mission will be one of the special one because this one will have 12 stages and 30 days to complete. There will be no asking for friends part but instead it will be just plant, harvest and craft.

On this special Samba in Rio Quests, there will 12 recipes to be crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE including the new recipe the COFFEE TART. We already sorted and made a list of the bushels that we will need in crafting these recipes and you can find this list just below of this guide. Note: Expected to be released on Thursday (October 19).

Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 1: Floating an Idea Part 1


Harvest 200 Parrot Blooms (skip 10)
Info: 10 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 200 – 180 = 20 amount to harvest.

Harvest 200 Cerulean Cactus (skip 10)
Info: 1 hour to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 200 – 180 = 20 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Mate (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 2 hours and will need Cerulean Cactus Bushel x3, Cape Buttercup Bushel x3 and Wild Tucumas Bushel x3.



Carnival Balloon Tree1 Carnival Balloon Tree, 125 xp, 2500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 2: Floating an Idea Part 2


Harvest 250 Grandmas Bonnet (skip 10)
Info: 30 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 250 – 225 = 25 amount to harvest.

Harvest 250 Hearty Canistel (skip 10)
Info: 30 mins to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 250 – 225 = 25 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Empanada (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 4 hours and will need Jazz Daylily Bushel x3, White Pinwheels Bushel x3 and Passiflora Bushel x3.


Carnival Sparkle Palm1 Carnival Sparkle Palm, 150 xp, 3000 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 3: Floating an Idea Part 3


Harvest 275 Royal Tubeflowers (skip 10)
Info: 6 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 275 – 247 = 28 amount to harvest.

Harvest 300 Wild Tucumas (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 300 – 270 = 30 amount to harvest.

Craft 3 Coffee Tart (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 1 hour and will need Brazilian Coffee Bushel x3, Foxglove Flower Bushel x3 and White Pinwheels Bushel x2.


Colour Puff Poodle1 Colour Puff Poodle, 175 xp, 3500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 4: Floating an Idea Part 4


Harvest 300 Red Dacca Banana (skip 10)
Info: 8 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 300 – 270 = 30 amount to harvest.

Harvest 325 Cape Buttercup (skip 10)
Info: 1 hour to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 325 – 292 = 33 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Gnocci (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 2 hours and will need White Pinwheels Bushel x3, Starfish Peppers Bushel x3 and Teacup Blooms Bushel x3.


Brazil Honey Cow1 Brazil Honey Cow, 200 xp, 4000 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 5: Floating an Idea Part 5


Harvest 325 Passiflora (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 325 – 292 = 33 amount to harvest.

Harvest 350 Teacup Blooms (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 350 – 315 = 35 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Patatas Frita (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 2 hours and will need Corsage Orchid Bushel x3, Foxglove Flower Bushel x3 and Sunstar Dahlia Bushel x3.


Sun Fun Sheep1 Sun Fun Sheep, 225 xp, 4500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 6: Floating an Idea Part 6


Harvest 350 Ruby Gold Pepino (skip 10)
Info: 12 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 350 – 315 = 35 amount to harvest.

Harvest 375 Jazz Daylily (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 375 – 337 = 38 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Churros (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 1 hour and will need Royal Tubeflowers Bushel x3, Starfish Peppers Bushel x3 and Cape Buttercup Bushel x3.


River Sky Goat1 River Sky Goat, 250 xp, 5000 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 7: Floating an Idea Part 7


Harvest 375 Lobster Claw Flower (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 375 – 337 = 38 amount to harvest.

Harvest 400 Corsage Orchid (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 400 – 360 = 40 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Oblea (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 4 hours and will need Teacup Blooms Bushel x3, White Pinwheels Bushel x3 and Clusia Star Bushel x3.


Tropic Banana Pig1 Tropic Banana Pig, 275 xp, 5500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 8: Floating an Idea Part 8


Harvest 400 White Flame Pepper (skip 10)
Info: 16 hours to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 400 – 360 = 40 amount to harvest.

Harvest 425 Starfish Pepper (skip 10)
Info: 18 hour to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 425 – 382 = 43 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Chicha Morada (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 6 hours and will need Cape Buttercup Bushel x3, Lobster Claw Flower Bushel x3 and Red Dacca Banana Bushel x3.


Jungle Flower Elephant1 Jungle Flower Elephant, 300 xp, 6000 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 9: Floating an Idea Part 9


Harvest 425 Brazilian Coffee (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 425 – 382 = 43 amount to harvest.

Harvest 425 Spiky Bromeliad (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 425 – 382 = 43 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Milhoja (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the LEVEL 4 RIO GENERAL STORE for 6 hours and will need Rainbow Bromeliad Bushel x3, White Pinwheels Bushel x3 and Spiky Bromeliad Bushel x3.


Brazil Spirit Hippo1 Brazil Spirit Hippo, 325 xp, 6500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 10: Floating an Idea Part 10


Harvest 425 Clusia Star (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 425 – 382 = 43 amount to harvest.

Harvest 450 Brazilian Coffee (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 450 – 405 = 45 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Tejas (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the LEVEL 4 RIO GENERAL STORE for 6 hours and will need Wild Tucumas Bushel x2, Sunstar Dahlia Bushel x3 and Starfish Peppers Bushel x3.


Carnival Stripe Horse1 Carnival Stripe Horse, 350 xp, 7000 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 11: Floating an Idea Part 11


Harvest 450 Brazil Nut (skip 10)
Info: 1 day to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 450 – 405 = 45 amount to harvest.

Harvest 450 Spiky Rollinia (skip 10)
Info: 2 days to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 450 – 405 = 45 amount to harvest.

Craft 2 Sofrito Salsa (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the LEVEL 5 RIO GENERAL STORE for 1 hour and will need Teacup Blooms Bushel x2, Spiky Rollinia Bushel x2 and Rainbow Bromeliad Bushel x3.


Carnival Mosaic Bull1 Carnival Mosaic Bull, 375 xp, 7500 coins


Samba in Rio Chapter 9 Quest 12: Floating an Idea Part 12


Harvest 475 Spiky Rollinia (skip 10)
Info: 2 days to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 475 – 427 = 48 amount to harvest.

Harvest 500 Guarana Berry (skip 10)
Info: 3 days to grow and harvest.
Quest Handicap: 500 – 450 = 50 amount to harvest.

Craft 1 Golden Kola (skip 15)
Info: Crafted at the RIO GENERAL STORE for 4 hours and will need Brazil Nut Bushel x3, Passiflora Bushel x3 and Jazz Daylily Bushel x3.


Meadow Horse1 Meadow Horse, 400 xp, 8000 coins

Total number of bushels that will be used:

Brazil Nut Bushel x3
Brazilian Coffee Bushel x9
Cape Buttercup Bushel x21
Cerulean Cactus Bushel x9
Clusia Star Bushel x6
Corsage Orchid Bushel x6
Foxglove Flower Bushel x15
Jazz Daylily Bushel x12
Lobster Claw Flower Bushel x6
Passiflora Bushel x12
Rainbow Bromeliad Bushel x12
Red Dacca Banana Bushel x6
Royal Tubeflowers Bushel x6
Spiky Bromeliad Bushel x6
Spiky Rollinia Bushel x4
Starfish Peppers Bushel x18
Sunstar Dahlia Bushel x12
Teacup Blooms Bushel x16
White Pinwheels Bushel x33
Wild Tucumas Bushel x13

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