farmville celestial pastures guide Archive
27 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 8: A Song at the End of the World
By acmclure On 27 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Is time for our heroes to finally return to home in FarmVille A Song at the End of the World, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 8 Quests. As it turns out Sloog is not an enemy but
12 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 6: Bop the Mama
By acmclure On 12 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
New babies are on the way in FarmVille Bop the Mama, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 6 Quests. Our heroes in the Space Farm will need our help in raising these babies. They need to come up

6 Jul 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 5: Imposter Boys Quests
By acmclure On 6 July 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Brax and Zosma continue their investigation in FarmVille Imposter Boys, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 5 Quests. Their investigation of the slime monster they called Sloog continues. They found several signs of unique power it posses and
29 Jun 2013
FarmVille Celestial Pastures 4: I am Rubber You are Sloog
By acmclure On 29 June 2013 In Celestial Pastures
Our friends space adventure continues in FarmVille I Am Rubber You Are Sloog, a FarmVille Celestial Pastures Chapter 4 Quests. We will pickup the story right from where we left off from the last chapter as our
12 Jun 2013
Sunny Float Field in FarmVille Feature
By acmclure On 12 June 2013 In New Features
A new feature has just been release with FarmVille Sunny Float Field. It is a Celestial Pastures building but it’s functions resembles that of the Tree of Love which was release last February. The idea is whenever